Bound to Cameron:

Start from the beginning

"If Cameron had hurt me this bad, next time it won't be going to Grayson's house with a first aid kit! It'll be a trip to the hospital!" I whisper yelled too loud.

"I don't want that too, but you have to trust me!" He begs. "Break up with him." He says it like it's that easy.

"Do you think it's really that easy to break up with him. Last time I tried and he hurt me." I turn to look at the front of the room because the bell rang.

"We'll fix this together." He whispers and stops talking to me.


The bell rang signaling all the students it was the end of the day. I get out of my seat when the teacher called out my name.

"I would like to talk to you." She says. I sigh but nod yes in response.

Once all the people left she sat in front of me.

"What has been going on with you?" She asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask her back, confused.

"You have not been at school for almost a week." She says with concern.

"Yes, ma'am, I know. I've just been busy." I answer her.

"Cara, you have two bruised eyes, bruises on your neck, a busted lip, a cast, and god knows what else!" Her eyes widen.

"Well, this" I point to the bruises on my neck "me and my boyfriend can get pretty rough." I say hoping she'll take what bullshit I'm saying.

"I didn't need to know that." She clears her throat. I look at the door that had a little window to see Cameron with an angry face. "Cara, does your mom know what you've been up to?" She asks furrowing her eyebrows.

"Yes." I Say quickly "can I leave? I have a ride to catch." I stand up, pain goes through out my body and ribs. I turn around and bite my lip to hold back a scream.

"Yes." She sighs and I leave. Cameron grabs my forearm dragging me to my locker.

"What the hell was that about?" He yelled, the halls were already empty.

"She just made me stay after class because I fell asleep." I say quietly leaning up against the locker as Cameron leans incredibly close to me. "I'm sorry." I quickly say and he hits the locker next to me with his fist, but not too hard. He breathes uncontrollably and kisses me roughly making my head hit the locker.

"Hurry up." He tells me close to my face. I turn around, and he moves back but still close, I bend down on my knees and open up my locker. Cameron's hand traces my hair and he brushes his hand on my neck. "You have such pretty hair, Cara." My spine shivers and he lets go of my hair.


I slowly walk up the stairs of Cameron's house. He pushes me into his room and sets our bags down.

"Turn around." He commands me. I open my mouth and he puts up a finger warning me. I turn around and shut my  eyes tightly. Cameron's hands latch onto my shoulders moving me in front of his bed. "Bend over!" He demands. I turn my head to look at him.

"What?" I ask. He grunts and grabs a fist full of my hair yanking it back. I moan in pain and squeeze my eyes shut.

"Did I stutter!?" He yells and I nod my head no. "Good! Now do what I said!" He let's go of my hair and I pant. I bend over putting my whole body on his bed. His bed was really high off from the ground so my ass was sticking out. I held onto his sheets tightly, my hands turning white. I hear his belt unbuckle and I shut my eyes, scared.

"Please, Cameron." I beg silently. His hands roam my body and he pulls down my pants and panties. He grabs one side of my hip and with the other hand a handful of my hair.

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