Chapter Thirty-Four: The Constant & Winter Soldier - Branded

Start from the beginning

He is not listening.

Suddenly you are aware of them all going quiet, and you look up to see the Winter Soldier. He is watching. No one saw him arrive.

The new guard tries to pull his zip up addressing himself to the Winter Soldier.

"She asked me to help her and then when we were in there she wanted me to fuck her..."

You cannot believe the bare-faced lie.

"You know how woman are," he is whining now, thinking he is talking man-to-man. The other guards do not know where to look, and all stare at the floor. They want no part of this.

"Is that why her lip is bleeding?" the Winter Soldier looks at him and asks quietly.

One of the other guards tries to walk away but the Winter Soldier's raised hand stays him.

He is calm, cool, looks you up and down, and then back at the new guard.

"She said she liked it rough." The new guard thinks he is being clever. He knows how they have heard you cry out at night, can all see cuts and bruises the next day.

The Winter Soldier looks back at you and indicates you are to go. Your eyes are full of tears; surely he won't believe the man? You go to speak and he shakes his head and so you turn and limp away back to your room.

He is so angry, so very angry. She is his, she is his property and only his, his possession. How dare anyone think otherwise? He looks back at the guard and sees right through the man. He has met his type before. He looks back at the other guards, and then walks up to the new guard, who backs away until he is against the wall.

He thought he had gotten away with it. But he has never before seen such coldness in someone's eyes and he realises the mistake he has made.

He starts to splutter, blaming her, saying she said she wanted a man, saying she had said things about the Winter Soldier's lack of prowess. He is just digging his grave deeper.

The Winter Soldier reaches up and pats the man on the shoulder, and stupidly the man breathes a sigh of relief until the hand moves to the back of his head and grabs him, pulling him so close he thinks the Winter Soldier is going to kiss him. He looks into the cold eyes and wets himself as the Winter Soldier tightens his hand and pulls to the side, cracking the mans spinal cord in half and breaking his neck.

He lets the body go and it falls down into its own pool of urine.

The Winter Soldier turns to the guards. This is the third guard to their knowledge he has killed. They do not even think to raise their guns.

"Take him out and put him somewhere as a warning. Do you understand? This will not happen again. Do I make myself clear?" he says to them.

They nod, they understand exactly what he is saying: she is out of bounds. They start to drag the body away, grateful that he hasn't blamed them all.

He was on his way to training and he continues, believing the guard to have been totally at fault, but as the afternoon wears on he begins to think and in his mind he sees Freya and the guard together. His paranoia begins to gather in force. He remembers what they have told him about her, how they call her a whore. Surely there must be some grounds for such an accusation? He is not supposed to have feelings but his rages are so cold, so deadly and by the time afternoon comes he feels he is almost ready to kill again.

Perhaps she has forgotten she belongs to him. He needs to remind her, to mark her as his.

You enter your room in your dressing gown after having your second shower of the day. Your face throbs where the guard punched you, and your mouth is bruised. You feel as though you can't get clean.

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