Chapter 2- Tension

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Sabrina puts her arm around me and we walk into the kitchen where everyone else is. "SARAH!" I scream running over to my other sister. Sarah turns around and catches me right on time. I hug her tightly as she spins me around. "Hey there my little munchkin," Sarah smiles at me.

She puts me back on the ground after a couple seconds. Mom and dad are talking together so that just leaves us three. Just putting it out there it never ends well. "I'm so glad to be back home," Sabrina sighs sitting in the bar stool next to Shannon. Not sure what to do I decide to go back upstairs.

I don't do well in situations like these. Mostly situations were it involves talking to people and having a conversation. I'm going to therapy for it and I'm getting a lot better but I'm not quiet there yet. Still have a long way to go before I can stay down there and talk to them.

"Hey brain dead mom is looking for you," Shannon tells me coming into my room. I nod my head and walk towards the stairs. But Shannon stops me. I try to get around her but she just blocks me. I look up at her with a confused face. She kneels down so she's eye level with me. Never a good thing.

"Listen here freak. Mom and dad are spending a lot of money trying to get you fixed. Running up to your room whenever you don't feel comfortable isn't helping so stop trying to get attention," she pokes me in the chest. Oh yeah Shannon and I have these talks everyday. It's supposed to help.

It definitely helps. It helps me be more scared of her that's for sure. I watch as she bounces downstairs like she didn't just stab my heart out. Just another reason I'm not going down there. I will only make it worst. Everyone is tired and me being down there will only make everyone annoyed.

I slump onto my bed and scream into my pillow. Ugh why can't I be normal. What happened that caused me to be like this. If someone told me why I'm like this I could probably figure a way to reverse it and make me normal. Oh forgot to mention I'm really smart. Not like Albert Einstein smart.

Like random facts smart. I know a lot of useless information.  "Knock, knock," someone says. I look up from my pillow to see Sabrina leaning on the door frame. I smile at her telling her she can come in. She walks into my room and sits down next to me. We stare at each other for a while.

She break the stare and starts twiddling with her thumbs. How ironic right. "How are you doing Maci?" I ask looking at her. She nods her head and scratches her nose. I take a deep breath and comb my fingers through my hair. Maci puts her head in her hands and takes a deep breath.

I get up from the bed and kneel down in front of her. I see her nails dig into her skull. Her fingers start to get white because how hard she's pressing them. "Why can't I just be normal?" She mumbles to herself. It just breaks my heart to she her this torn. I know her better than herself.

I know her better than anyone in the world. Right know she's hurting but she can't express it the right way. So she bottles it up and it confuses her. She looks up from her hands and stare right at me. A tear slips out the corner of her eye. I softly take my thumb and wipe it away for her.

"Your ok Maci. I know it's hard but you can't give up ok. You got to keep trying, and you'll make some mistakes on the way but I promise you it gets easier," I tell her holding her face in my hands. She nods her head more tears streaming down her face. I pull her into a hug and hold her tight.

She buries her head into my shirt and lets out a shaky breath. I rub my hand up and down her back calming her down. I'm the only one that can calm her down. I kiss her on the nose and look into her eyes. She looks at me with a broken smile. "I'm ready," she whispers her voice filled with doubt.

I nod my head and get up. I help her up and take her hand into mine. We walk out of her room and down the stairs. Her grip tightens when we get to the kitchen. I rub my thumb across her knuckles reassuringly. We walk into the kitchen to see everyone talking and laughing about something.

Everyone stops talking and looks at us. I feel Maci get nervous with the silents so I rub her shoulder. "So first night back what are we having for dinner?" I break the silents taking matters into my own hands. Everyone blinks and starts walking around the room and talking again.

"Let's have mac and cheese," Sarah yells out. I give her a weird look but than we break out into laughter. God I love her. Mom and dad just look at us like we're crazy. I look down to Maci to see what she thinks but she's not there. Damn this girl can be a spy for how quiet she is. She's like a ninja.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2017 ⏰

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