Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Years ago, when the children were little, the family and I visited the ocean. Mr. Campbell rented a boat and sailed it as far out as he was allowed. It began to storm and the waves became violent when we decided to turn back. Cameron, full of energy even back then was running all over the place. He slipped and fell overboard. My programming for the preservation of human life had me diving in after him. I barely managed to reach him before the current whisked him away. My hand clasped onto his shoulder and I threw him up into the waiting arms of Mr. Campbell. But it was too late for me. The ocean pulled me under before I could follow him.

Then a wave threw me against the underside of the boat. The impact was hard enough to cave my chest inwards before the Campbell's managed to pull me back up. For some reason though, I remember the pressure in my chest. Like my artificial heart was clenched in a fist, restricting it from beating. That's exactly what I feel now.

"There's been a camera watching us this whole time?" Mrs. Campbell asks, eyes running me up and down as she gets up from the sofa. 

Has there been? That's a feature I didn't know I had. My thoughts are in such a jumbled mess that it's difficult sorting them all out. The government reevaluated our design, that's fair enough. But then they decided they had to confess to planting us as surveillance drones in every home? What does that have to do with a rogue android?

"We need to shut her down! Now!" Mr. Campbell says, jumping to his feet.

The pressure in my chest tightens. It's such a strange sensation, but somehow, I make a connection with this feeling and the wide, terrified eyes of the rogue android. I can't explain it, there's just a sense I have that the two are connected. This brings about a new thought that constricts my chest even more. Am I experiencing fear?

"Well hold on a second," Mrs. Campbell says, intercepting her husband from reaching me. "I need Nora for my work! We should at least think about this!"

"What's there to think about! The Government have been using her to spy on us!" Mr. Campbell exclaims.

"Well I haven't got anything to hide, I haven't done anything illegal. Have you?" Mrs. Campbell asks.

Mr. Campbell doesn't reply right away, at least not verbally. But his face quickly tells you the answer. Yes, Mr. Campbell has lots to hide. I'm unsure exactly what the terms and conditions of a marriage are, but from what I understand, it restricts you to having relations with a single individual. Mr. Campbell has had relations with many individuals, and not always with women. The escapades usually occur late at night when Mrs. Campbell is working overtime and he thinks I am powered down. He also has a habit of buying drugs from a variety of teenagers in the neighbourhood.

I suppose it's understandable why he would want to shut me down.

A storm has concocted on Mrs. Campbell's face, and she's about to say something when Mr. Campbell quickly intervenes. "You've got nothing to hide, aye? What about that thing you do in the office?"

This drains the storm from her face. He's referring to the fact that Mrs. Campbell has been embezzling money. While I've never actually seen her do it, I've overheard several conversations of her and Mr. Campbell discussing it. Now, it's clear from the new expression that has dawned on Mrs. Campbell's features that she has decided to look at me under the same light as her husband.

"Well, I mean. . . I suppose we could always power her back up later if we need her," Mrs. Campbell says.  

"Exactly!" Mr. Campbell says, "but for now we should just shut her down."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2019 ⏰

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