Chapter Sixteen: Hydra & The Nurse - How Do We Break His Mind?

Start from the beginning

"I'm really not happy about that young woman being on the project," Lehmann is saying.

Zola looks up just as Doctor Jakobs sits forward. "She is a good nurse and we are lucky to have her. I think we should really be thinking of involving her more, not less," his comments are directed at Zola.

Lehmann and Jakobs have had this argument before. Jakobs will do his best to keep her.

"There are lots of good nurses out there..." Lehmann starts but Jakobs argues across him.

"She knows the English language. She can communicate with our patient. Because of this they share a bond; he trusts her. We wouldn't have gotten this far if she hadn't alerted us to what was going on."

Lehmann waves a hand. "Yes, yes. But she is a trouble-maker. Her allegiance is to Barnes not us." Lehmanns dislike of the nurse is showing. Zola holds up his hands for quiet, but the argument carries on until he has had enough.

"Gentlemen!" he is forced to shout.

The men are quiet.

"I am happy for her to be here," says Zola. "She seems to know what she is doing. But..." and he looks at Lehmann, "... if you have any problems with her then you advise me immediately, and I will rethink the situation. But for now let us continue with why we are here. You were about to tell me about your idea for Barnes' mind."

In a way he will regret asking. It would have been better, he thinks later, if he had not known but just been given the final product of it all because what Lehmann outlines is akin to torture. He insists it is for the good of the project and he is sure it will work.

When the other doctors show their disgust Lehmann challenges them to come up with a better idea, an alternative way of breaking the patient's mind. "After all, how many years have we had him here? He still knows who he is, he is still hanging on to his identity. We have to take that away from him. A combined shock of this magnitude will do it I think."

Zola is quiet.

Lehmann continues talking. " We are at a crucial point. Barnes' body is responding well to the serum; we have finally found the right combination. We need his mind now. Once we have that then," and at this point he gestures to the two doctors from the new team, "they can begin to fit the new arm. Once that is done the next step is cryo freeze. The team report that they are very close to completion, and they can begin shipping in the new equipment. Once we get that sorted, we can then move on to the final two phases..." he smiles. It is a chilling smile. "...wiping his mind and reprogramming. We have come so far and we are so close."

Zola removes his glasses on the pretext of cleaning them to give himself time to think.

Everyone is quiet.

He finally seems to make up his mind.

He looks around the table and then sighs. "Very well," he says.

Lehmann sits back, triumphant. He has won.

He has already completed the hard work behind his idea. Several months ago he had sent a message to one of their agents in America who supplied everything that was needed and more. Lehmann was extremely pleased when he received the information he had requested, passing it to the necessary resources.

What they came back with pleased him even more. It was perfect.

The final step came when one of the guards loyal to Lehmann told him about the nightmares Barnes has been having. The guard had overheard Stefan telling Kristo Barnes' fear of Lehmann, and the repeating vision of the doctor slicing off his limbs.

"Oh Sergeant Barnes, you have no idea of what I am capable of," Lehmann had thought, "and with that, Sergeant," he had spoken out aloud, "you have played right into my hands."


Later when the meeting is over, you make sure you are just outside the door of the meeting room, hoping to hear some of what they have discussed.

Five of the doctors are oddly quiet, and Doctor Jakobs won't meet your eyes. Lehmann is still talking to Zola. You don't hear what is said, but afterwards when Zola is halfway across the room, he turns and speaks to Lehmann once more

"There will be no need for me to be present at the...ah operation. I shall leave it in your capable hands. Just let me know when it is...completed and I will be back." He turns and leaves the room.

You notice that the other doctors do not continue any conversation with Lehmann. It is as if they do not wish to be in the same room as him.

What operation?

Your blood runs cold when you look at Lehmann and he smiles at you.

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