Chapter One: Prologue

Start from the beginning

And yet, brave as the Kid is, he cannot be introduced to a girl. The Kid will stammer something, blush and walk away - leaving his friend behind.

Only James never does stay behind - he will always follow the Kid no matter what.

James tries to teach him how to flirt, how to relax around girls; but the Kid doesn't have any self-confidence and his mind cannot be changed, no-one can give him that confidence he needs to accept that a girl will ever like him. The Kid believes no girl will ever want to be with him; he feels he has nothing to offer them. He is wrong. Try as hard as he can the young man cannot get it right, match making and double dates usually ending in disaster. Often as not, his dark-haired companion ends up sending the girls home and choosing to remain with his friend instead.

As they grow up and become young men their friendship deepens and neither can see a life without the other being close by. They both enrol in the local Art college. The Kid has more talent and James encourages it, as it seems to give his friend some of the confidence in himself that he sorely needs.

When they can, they work down at the docks at weekends earning extra cash. Often at the end of the day's work they will sit on the dock wall and talk of their futures, maybe wives and families, or a business together. But in their naivety they do not know what life can do to young dreamers and both will have their dreams crushed by war.

When he is in his late teens, the Kid's mother dies of tuberculosis, and it hits the him hard.

James searches for him after the funeral. The Kid has walked home alone, and James finds him wearily climbing the stairs to the flat he shared with his mother. He looks tired, so alone, and the young man's heart goes out to him. He follows The Kid up to the lonely flat and tries to persuade him to come home with him. "We looked for you after. My folks wanted to give you a ride from the cemetery."

At first Steve doesn't say anything as they walk up to his apartment. He lifts his hand and brushes his hair out of his eyes. "I know, I'm sorry. I just...kind of wanted to be alone." Steve cannot look at Bucky because he knows if he does he will break down, and he thinks that he has to cope with this on his own.

(Authors note: For image see )

"How was it?" Bucky asks.

"It was okay. She's next to Dad."

"I was gonna ask..."

"I know what you're gonna say, Buck, I just..." Steve starts to respond but Bucky carries on talking, an almost desperation in his voice.

"We can put the couch cushion on the floor like when we were kids. It'll be fun. All you gotta do is shine my shoes, maybe take out the trash."

As they get to the apartment door Bucky continues to look at Steve for a reply, for him to say anything. Instead Steve pats his pocket, trying to find his keys. Bucky kicks a brick aside, picks up the apartment key from under it and gives it to Steve.

Bucky says quietly, "Come on." Steve finally looks up at him, tries to smile. "Thank you, Buck, but I can get by on my own."

Bucky shakes his head, eyes closed for a moment."The thing is, you don't have to." Bucky places a hand on Steve's shoulder and looks at him again, tears glistening in his eyes. Bucky makes sure Steve is not just looking at him, but that he is also listening to him. "I'm with you till the end of the line, pal."

And with that the Kid knows he isn't alone; even when he has nothing he knows he will always have his friend. His eyes well up and Bucky pulls him forward and wraps him a hug, kissing the top of his head.

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