Confessions to Michael

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There was a time when I opened a novel, read the first few pages, shut it close, then open another, scanned the manuscript, shut it again.  This cycle goes on and on until I met, “A Case of A Need” a novel by Michael Crichton.

I was in college then and cash was not something of abundance, so there it was the novel second hand and marked down by almost 70 percent yet I could not even grab a copy of my own.  Fortunately, this copy, like all other books in the bargain store is not sealed so I can always take a peek at the first few pages.  And love at first sight indeed it was.

Every day I visit the store and every day I read the novel page by page.  The book enthralled me like no other book ever had and I find myself squatting low, concealing myself behind a pile of books, reading secretly and licking my fingers as I eagerly turned each page.

Lucky for me, the saleslady gave her silent consent and turned her back every time I came through the door.

And there it began, from infatuation to true love. 

I saved of course and yes, I bought the book even if I was on the very last chapter.  And I kept it like a priceless manuscript tucked inside my bag and carry it everywhere I go.

I finished the novel sooner than I expected.  Yes, I was dying to finish it and curios as hell as to how the story would end but when I turned its final pages I was torn apart by jubilation and sorrow.

Joy because, obviously, I adored it and there’s nothing like the entertainment of a good read. Sorrow because, there might not be none like it out there again, then I would be back to the countless page sniffing, first chapter reading that I was once before.  Oh the intoxication of a good read.

And yes the novel finally ended despite my inner useless qualms. 

“Read this.” One of my colleagues used say with sparkling eyes hoping I would fancy it as much as she does, as she offered a Best Selling Novel topped with a Bestselling Author of a book.  And yes I read it. And yes it was great. And yes, the last pages of chapter one was as far as I can get.

What can I say? We don’t share the same taste in food, we don’t have the same concept of religion, we don’t share the same infatuation for a guy and we probably won’t share favorite books either.  And that’s just normal as the waking up during the day and sleeping at night.

 ‘I’m not picky but I would be dead caught wearing that’, suggests that no matter how much we think it does not matter, it does. And no matter how much you think the choice never bothers you, it will and it always will, although it may vary in dept but, still. 

Uniqueness is what makes us beautiful isn’t it? And it’s backed up by the way we decide and choose. 

Well in my case, I fear, my choice of read leads me to a dead end.  “God I hope not.”  I say to myself.  “Read something else.” I urged. “You like science fiction? Here, help yourself.” Says this tiny voice inside of my head but science fiction, to suspense and thriller to chick flicks and romance novels never satiates my thirst for an exhilarating read like the “Case of a Need.”

After all, I was new at this and my reading skill is somewhat like that of a new born who drinks nothing and who is satisfied by nothing else but milk and milk and milk.

Like a lifeless zombie I roamed and scanned at the piled books, yawning from time to time, scanning the pages and smiling at the scenic covers, until I stumbled upon one that seemed familiar.  And I could see why, it was the one my professor had spoken about and had strongly recommended to me.  

With his advice and persuasion I searched the said book right after the class only to find none on my favorite bargain shop and none on other bookstores as well.  The search for it was casted eagerly away as my eyes caught “A Case of a Need”, and to my surprise, here it is, piled in one of the many books in the bargain shop.  My eyes widened.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2014 ⏰

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