"So early?!" Zayn whined.

Harry didn't say anything. Just rolled his eyes, grabbed Zayn by the arm and started walking. Louis did the same with Niall.

Zayn and Niall giggled all the way to the car. They settled them on the back seat, then Harry sat in the driver's seat and Louis on the front seat.

Harry offered Louis mint chewing gum; he accepted it. Harry turned on the engine and started driving. Zayn and Niall were now singing in the back seat. Harry laughed, and Louis wished he could hear him laugh every day starting right now.

"Well, aren't you prince charming?" Harry asked, smiling, crinkles forming around his eyes.

Louis froze for a second, but quickly followed up "Well, accents are not the only thing girls dig" Louis replied a bit cocky "You could learn some stuff from me, Styles,"

"Can't wait," Harry replied with a different twinkle in his eyes, he quickly laughed it off, "I must admit that was something I'd never seen before. Where you'd even get that princely stuff?"

Zayn gasped before Louis could think of something, "Hey, you know who's really fit?" Zayn asked excited in that unique accent of his.

Niall laughed loudly "Melissa?!" he guessed.

"Yeah, but no, mate!!" they laughed.

Harry was watching them in the review mirror.

"That Landon guy!" Zayn continued.

"What Landon guy?" Niall asked.

"The guy! The prince!" Zayn said. Louis' blood drained from his face. "Louis! Louis!" Zayn patted him on the shoulder "You live there! The name of the prince, what is it?"

Louis hesitated "Geoff?" He tried with his uncle's name, after all he was the prince-to-be-king

Zayn and Niall laughed "Nooooo, mate! It was something like Landon!"

"Um... was it Liam?" Louis asked unsure

"Liam!!" Zayn sighed dramatically, then he nudged Niall "Mate, do you know who he is?"

Niall shook his head with wide eyes and a big smile.

"I saw him once on T.V. He is like a freshly roasted marshmallow, with chocolate fudge on top," Zayn said dreamy.

Niall and Harry laughed. Louis faked a laugh that came out more like a nervous laugh. So, if Zayn knew Liam, would he recognize Louis? Liam and Louis were always together. If you googled Liam, Louis would probably pop out in some photo next to him. But Zayn didn't even remember Liam's name, and he was very drunk. So Louis probably shouldn't worry.

They got to their building faster than Louis would've liked. Louis was enjoying stealing glances at Harry and watching his jaw move as he chewed his gum.

Harry parked Zayn's car and helped Louis get the boys to their room. By the time they were on the lift Zayn was yawing and Niall was falling asleep on Louis' shoulder. Harry took Zayn to his room and Louis took Niall to theirs.

Louis was taking off Niall's Supras when he heard someone in the room

"So I'll see you guys tomorrow," Harry said, leaning on the door frame of Louis' room.

"Sure. You ok going alone to your room?" Louis asked now kicking his Vans off.

Harry chuckled "I live downstairs. Room 302-B, in case you need anything."

"Thanks. We should be okay," Louis smiled.

Harry smiled "Okay. Bye, Louis,"

"Goodnight, Harry," He answered.

Louis waited to hear the doors of the elevator open and close to undress himself. He put on his sleep-sweat pants and went to sleep.


Louis woke up the following morning to the sound of pans and the smell of pancakes. He got up and saw that Niall was still sleeping. He put on a T-shirt and went to the kitchen. Harry was there, finishing making breakfast.

"Hey," Louis said, his voice a little husky.

"Good morning," Harry smiled "Nice morning hair,"

Louis ruffled it and went to the bathroom. He washed his face and brushed his teeth. When he came out Harry had put a stack of pancakes on two plates and was taking them to the table.

"You slept well?" Harry asked as Louis was sitting on the table.

"Yeah, thanks. You?" he was still sleepy.

"Good, thanks," Harry sat and started eating, Louis did too.

"Where were you yesterday morning? Niall and I had to eat some terrible sandwiches I made for breakfast," Louis complained

"Grabbed breakfast with my sister," Harry chuckled, "I take you like the food?" He smiled. Louis thought that he would never get bored of those dimples.

"It's... alright," Louis teased, even though he knew this was probably the best pancakes he had ever had. Gourmet pancakes included.

Louis sniggered back.

"Are the boys always like that when they're drunk?" Louis asked.

Harry smirked "No. Well, we don't get drunk that often. We party and stuff, but it's not always like that,"

Then a very, very hungover Niall entered to the room. With his eyes closed and hand on his forehead. "Harry, you're so mean for letting me drink that way. Now, feed me," Niall complained, sitting on the table next to Louis.

Harry gave him a plate with pancakes, a glass of water and two pills. Niall swallowed the pills and started eating.

"Did you kiss Juliet last night?" Niall asked Harry with his mouth half full.

"Y-yeah," Harry replied as if he had forgotten, then as he didn't care.

"Why?" Niall made a disgusted face.

"Because," Harry shrugged.

Louis decided not to think much about their conversation. He did wonder how Niall knew if he had been drinking on the other side of the room, and he had just woken up.

They kept their chat light about the party. Some things Niall remembered and others not. Niall also asked Louis about Kate, but Louis told him that that was nothing. That they just danced.

After everyone was done, they watched a movie on the telly that had already started. It was called The Descendants or something like that. Harry had already seen it, so he explained to Louis what he had missed. Niall fell back asleep right away. Louis and Harry were quiet, both paying attention to the movie. Louis felt very comfortable there with Harry. He enjoyed his company even if they weren't talking. It felt as if this day was a regular one, and like they had spent many days like this together.

Zayn woke up half past three in the afternoon. He put what was left of breakfast in the microwave and ate it one the couch next to the lads.

Louis texted Liam and told him about the party and how well he was getting along with his friends. He told him about Harry but left out the part of the 'crush', which needed to be told on Skype. Because he was definitely telling Liam, who else if not? This was something big, he had never liked a guy this way before. He hoped Liam would take it lightly and not overthink it. Like Louis, he just accepted it.

The rest of the day went on like that. Watching movies, being lazy and eating what Harry cooked. They all went to sleep early because they were tired and the next day they had to prepare things for Monday. Louis was nervous about his first day of classes but Niall assured him that he would do great. That he was a great lad and wouldn't have troubles making friends. And if anything went wrong, Louis would always have them.



Thank you so much for your comments and votes! They motivate me to keep writing!

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