CP OC Mother and Father Scenarios

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(I decided to do Mother and Father scenarios of the CP OC's and I wanted to do this for fun this is for both Male and Female genders and you are a 4 year old kid in this)


You were only 4 years old and your mom and dad were home drunk you really didn't know what "being drunk" means.

"Mommy can you and Daddy sleep with me tonight?" You asked

"F**K *Hic* No you're *Hic* 4 years *Hic* old" your mother responded

"But Momm-

"Y/N you're *Hic* just a *Hic* pain in *Hic* the a** why *Hic* did I ever *Hic* give birth to a *Hic* cry baby brat

You teared up and ran to your room you shut the door and lied on your bed crying from what your mother said to you.

You then heard something fall on the floor you looked to see what it was and saw that it was your piggy bank.

You went to go pick it up and put it back on the shelf but couldn't cause you were small so you just set it on your bed.

You felt something not right like someone or something was behind you so you looked back and saw a ghost looking at you

The ghost flew closer to you, you stepped back a bit and you were really scared tears streamed down your cheeks

"Hey don't worry I won't hurt you" the ghost said

You looked up at her you were a little scared cause you thought that she was going to possess you and make you kill yourself

"My name's Misty and you are?" She asked

"I'm Y/N" you responded

"Why are you crying?"

"B-Because Mommy said that I was a crybaby and a brat she asked why I was here w-with her and Daddy" you said

Misty was angry AF at what your so called Mother said to you she looked back at you

"Hey don't worry I'll take you to a new home where nobody would call you that ever again does that sound good" Misty said

"y-yes" you said and nod

"Ok but I'll be right back ok Y/N" she said

"Ok Misty" you said

Misty smiled at you and flew to where your mother and father was you heard your mom screaming and gun shots she came back

"You ready to go Y/N" Misty asked

You went to go get your music box your grandma gave you.

"I'm ready now Misty" you said

"Ok Y/N and I promise you would love your new home" she said smiling

You lightly smiled "Ok Misty"

Misty directed you to your new home and you followed her.


You were with your father at the park you went up to him and sat next him

"Daddy can you play with me?"

"Y/N I'm busy right now go play with the other kids" your father said

"But Daddy I want you to play with me"

"Y/N I said No!" Your father responded



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