A door suddenly opened to my left, and footsteps quickly entered. I felt his arms around me, and my head jerked up to meet his eyes. "You're alive?" I whispered. Then I threw myself into his embrace, sobbing against his bare chest. "Oh my God, you're alive!"

Dune held me gently, rubbing my back as I continued to sob. He curled around me until all I knew was his comfort. The image of Seth shooting him wouldn't go away, and I had to hold him tightly to remind myself that he was still here. I had to press my ear into his chest so that I could hear his steady heartbeat. It took a long time of listening to the constant thumping for me to finally calm down.

When my hold relaxed, Dune sighed. "Don't worry," he murmured. "That loud firework was their last one." His voice deepened into musing. "Why they saved the loudest for last, I have no clue."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Fireworks?"

Dune didn't seem to hear me. "That probably woke everyone up on the ranch. Not to mention the cattle..."

Then it came back to me. "Fireworks. It was all a dream."

Dune pulled away, gazing into my eyes. "What was?"

"Everything. She and Seth, they shot everyone. They were going to shoot you." I held his face. "Everyone was dead. Dad, Christie, Jonathon. Oh, Jonathon, I couldn't save him, either." More tears pricked my eyes as I remembered.

Dune blinked. "...You're not talking about the dream anymore, are you?"

I stared at him, a pit opening in my stomach. How did he know? I felt the blood leave my face, and my hands began shaking. He rubbed my upper arms soothingly, trying to get me to focus on him. But I couldn't escape the fear. There was no escaping it now. I had to tell him.

"...Rylie, please, Rylie. Talk to me. Rylie, look at me."

I blinked a few times, focusing on Dune's eyes. That beautiful sky blue that I could get lost in was calling me. I had to tell him, be honest with him. I owed him that much for waking him up like I did, not to mention the times he'd had my back against Ronnie. I swallowed.

"One night," I started, realizing that my hands were shaking, and folding them to my chest. "One night, Jonathon came over to see me. I hadn't talked to him in months, and he was getting worried about me. I tried to get him to leave, but he wanted to know why I was avoiding him." I choked back a sob, the memory as vivid as the night it had happened. "Seth was coming over, and I didn't want Jonathon there when he came. But when Seth showed up, Jonathon had his arms around me, and was trying to get me to talk. Seth was drunk. He thought I was cheating on him with Jonathon, so he pulled me away and slapped me." I flinched as if his hand was striking me again. "Jonathon jumped on him, trying to get him away from me, and they fell on the ground. Seth played football, so he pulled away easily."

Tears were streaming down my face, and I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the next part. "Seth was raging mad, now. I don't know where he got it, but he pulled out a gun, and started waving it around, shouting and yelling. I tried to get him to calm down, but he threw me aside, calling me a whore. Then Jonathon started yelling and- and-" I swallowed back a sob, looking away.

Dune gazed at me, having put the pieces together. "Seth shot him."

I nodded, the words stabbing my heart. "My dad, was home, and he knocked the gun out of his hand while I called the cops." I stared down at my hands, buried between my chest and Dune's. I could still see the blood that coated them as I tried to bring Jonathon back. "I've been having nightmares ever since."

Dune rubbed my back, holding me a little closer. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I couldn't." I took a moment to collect my words before speaking around the tears. "You're the first person I've ever told. People know I have the nightmares, just not why." I can't hold back the sobs anymore, and I collapse in his arms, falling apart.

Dune shushes me and rocks us, patting my back like a child. "I'm glad you told me," he whispers, ducking down to touch his forehead to mine. "I was always worried that I was part of the problem."

I shook my head, a laugh stumbling out of me. "No! No, you were never the problem." I pulled my eyebrows together, frowning. "But you have been one of the victims."

He was quiet for a moment, rubbing a small circle around my shoulder blade as he thought. "Well," he finally said, "That must mean you think I'm okay, right?"

I chuckled with him. "Yeah," I replied. "You're more than alright." I turned and nuzzled into his neck, breathing in his musky scent. "You're wonderful."

"Well you deserve the best." He squeezed me a little before loosening his hold, his arms dropping away before he shuffled me off of him. "Well, if you're okay, then are we good to go back to sleep?"

I nodded, and was surprised that I was sad about him leaving me. Before I could stop it, the question blurted out of my mouth. "Can you stay with me?"

Dune had stood up, and was almost to the door when he froze, his shoulder blades tightening. He placed a hand on the doorframe, then glanced over his shoulder at me. His eyes flickered over me, then glanced around the room before landing back on me. "How about we go to my room?"

I shrugged, puzzled, yet I saw no reason why I couldn't go over there. Maybe it was a guy thing. "Why not?" I stood up and followed him, padding softly behind his heavier footsteps.

As we walked in, and I started for the right side, Dune snagged my arm at the foot of the bed. The moonlight highlighted his defined chest, and I found myself blushing as I turned back to him. He also seemed a little flustered, and he loosened his grip to a gentle hold.

"You know," he began, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand, "There's plenty of room in my bed. And last time, you didn't have a nightmare."

I nodded, smiling. "Yeah?"

He sent me a shaky grin as he took a breath. "Well, you can just stay in here from now on - if you want to, that is." He glanced over at the bed, then back at me. "I honestly don't mind, and it puts you closer, you know, so if you happen to have a nightmare-"

I smiled and nodded shyly. "I'd like that."

Dune stopped his rambling to gaze at me, slowly breaking into a grin. "Really?"

"Yeah." I gently pulled away from him and slipped under the covers, waiting until he joined me before scooting closer and burrowing into him. There may have been a layer of bedding between us, but it didn't stop me from cuddling him. "Thanks for the offer."

He chuckled, his arm winding around me as I felt a kiss in my hair. "The pleasure's all mine, Rylie."  


So the cat's out of the bag. What do you guys think of Dune's reaction to Rylie's past? Or how about them sharing a room together? If you liked it, tickle that little star! See you guys next week!

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