Today's Torture

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The beginning of this chapter will be the same dialogue as the end of last chapter (the words wont be exact because im to lazy to try and copy and paste on my phone) except it will be Takuya's POV so I recommend reading it but you could skip it if you wanted. Anyways on with Part 2
(This chapter may be a little graphic for some people and may trigger you if you dislike self harm, you have been warned)

This chapter
Tk: is takuya dialogue
Kj: is kouji dialogue
MsL: is Mrs. Lauren their teacher(she will be a recurring minor character)
Jp: is JP dialogue (I won't use him much, I don't like him)
MsM: Kouji's Mom (don't remember if he had a mom in the show)

Takuya's POV
*I'm sitting in the room and Mrs Lauren walks in and begins attendance, after she is done she mutters something to herself about a missing person, I try to listen intently but my eavesdropping is interrupted when someone walks in the door. I look to the door and see a boy maybe a little older and slightly taller then me standing in the door, he is talking to Mrs . Lauren but I completely zone out what they are saying as I watch him intently, he slowly and shyly walks towards the front of the room, he looks really cute, but I quickly shake that thought off so I don't get my hopes up because of course someone who dresses like that is probably a homophobic athlete who will kick my as if I try to make a move. Mrs.Lauren walks out of the room and I notice the boy walking towards me but I quickly look away when I see JP come up behind him.
Jp: "you won't want to touch that bitch with a 10ft pole" *I decide to take the risk and glance but instantly regret it as I make eye contact with JP, I quickly look away hoping he doesn't notice which failed* "I thought I told you not to look at me you piece of shit, just wait until gym I know how much you enjoy dodgeball" *I let out a slight whimper hoping that no one heard me, they eventually leave and head over to JP's seat. It takes all of my mental power to not glance over and stair at the new kid so I stare at the board the whole time. Eventually the bell rings but as I'm standing up Mrs.Lauren speaks*
MsL: "takuya and kouji please wait here"
*I let out a sigh afraid of what is to come*
MsL: "takuya you and kouji both have the exact same schedule and you are to show kouji to his classes and answer any questions he has today" *I mentally face palm knowing this won't end well for me*
MsL: "that's all, you are excused" *I sigh and grab my stuff and walk out into the hallway which is thankfully empty by now*
"Hi I'm takuya it's nice to meet you" *I stick out my hand*

Kouji's POV
"Thanks but no thanks, it has been made abundantly clear you are not someone socially acceptable to be friends with so you can do what you normally do and just don't talk to me and we will be good, understand" *he just nods his head and looks down at ground, I feel bad but not enough to think on it. With that I just walk away from him in the direction of my 2nd period class. I walk in and the teacher introduces me and she tells me to sit by a girl named zoey in the back of the room. We talk but I swear she was flirting with me the whole time and it was really starting to annoy me, through the whole class I also couldn't shake the feeling I was being watched but every time I looked around everyone was staring at the board*

Takuya's POV
*second period made me so angry, I already felt like shit from first period but then when that kouji guy told me to fuck off I began to cry, I had to quickly wipe them away and run to get to 2nd period on time. Man when he walked in I thought I might make a actual friend and I thought he was really hot, but now I know that he has already been corrupted to hate my guts. But then to make matter worse in second period kouji was placed next to the school slut Zoey, she was obviously flirting the whole time and I think kouji was enjoying it. What I couldn't understand was why I was so angry, he already told me I had no chance with him but I felt so much jealousy, that was quickly replaced with fear as JP and his group kept reminding me of what was to come after lunch. But my day got worse at my locker after 2nd period as I was shoved into my locker*
Jp: "remember don't make a sound or I'll beat you to a pulp" *I was used to this procedure by now and just let out a low whimper and stayed quiet. I sit in there for all of third period and during 3rd passing period everyone just leaves me there like normal. I hear footsteps coming and I see kouji* "kouji can you let me out please" *he stops in his tracks and looks at me*
Kj: "sorry man no can do, if your still in there after 4th period I'll let you out for lunch" *I know it really wasn't that nice but I couldn't stop myself* "thank you"

Kouji's POV
*did he really just say thank you, have they treated him so bad even the most meager act of kindness could make him say thank you. I walk towards his locker* "what's your combination"

Tk: "what"

"What's your locker combination, I can't let you out without it"

Tk: "it's 12 32 24" *I put in the combination and the door opens*

"If anyone asks just say a janitor let you out, and since you don't have to go to study hall just don't go because if you show up JP  will think I'm soft. But just remember this is the one time I'll help you out of there, after this your on your own" *and with that I walk away and head to my study hall in the library. When I get in there JP confronts me*

Jp: "hey man what took you so long, you weren't helping that bitch out were you"

"Quite the opposite I was walking past his locker and the janitor was letting him out"

Jp: "what did he say to the janitor"

"He said something about accidentally closing the door behind him"

Jp: "good he does know how to keep his mouth shut, maybe those beating have been working"

*holy shit what all have they done to that kid, I feel so bad for him and he is kind of cute. Wait did I just think he was cute, we'll am I wrong he is so innocent and weak so of course he is seen as cute. 4th period ends and I make my way to lunch with JP and his friends, we get into the lunch line and get our food. We sit down at our table and I notice takuya walk in and get lunch he starts to walk out but JP motions for him to come here*

Takuya's POV
*I walk in and get my lunch and quickly try to walk out unnoticed, however JP sees me and motions for me to come to him*
"Ye....yes Jp"
Jp: "I'll make this quick you can pour the soup over your skin and I will go easier on you during dodge ball or you can not do it yourself I will pour it all over you and I will destroy you in dodgeball. So what's it going to be"
*I look down at the ground and frown* "I'll pour it on myself" *I pick up the hot bowl of soup and roll up my sleave and began to pour it on my bare skin. I let out a whimper of pain as I have to fight back tears*

Kouji's POV
*As takuya picks up that bowl and pours it on himself I have to look away, why won't he tell someone about this, what could they possibly have on him that will make him do this to himself. I stand up from my chair and leave the table because I can't watch what's happening. God damn it why do I care so much for him. It's not my fault he won't defend himself. I finally return to the table and see that takuya has left the lunch room but JP and his friends are giggling*

Random Guy: "you aren't really going to go easy on him are you"
Jp: "oh no if anything I'm going to be extra aggressive today, I may even talk couch into change up the rules a bit to make sure he is always on the court" *they all begin to laugh but I get a really sickening feeling in my stomach*

So that about wraps up part two of this horrifyingly sad story, I'm trying to figure out if all this cruelty will be made up for in the end but I guess you'll just have to wait and see.
Also if you don't like the POV system plz give me some recommendations and I would be happy to try them

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