Summers End, Hells Beginning

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Hi I'm the author and I wanted to kind of create this key to make reading this story easier. I will clearly state when point of views are being switched but it should only switch between takuya and kouji so that shouldn't be very difficult
*asterisks are used to signify thoughts in someones head*
"Quotes and italics are used for dialogue"
?: "are used when someone other then the POV person is talking, the initials for each characters dialogue is at the top of each page"
(Parentheses are used when I'm saying something to the reader)
Anyways thank you for giving this a shot and I hope you enjoy (ps. This is my first fanfic, ocassionaly there will be spelling or grammar mistakes but I will try to catch them before I publish)

This chapter
Tk: is takuya dialogue
Kj: is kouji dialogue
MsL: is Mrs. Lauren their teacher(she will be a recurring minor character)
Jp: is JP dialogue (I won't use him much, I don't like him)
MsM: Kouji's Mom (don't remember if he had a mom in the show)

3rd POV
Takuya Kanbara is sitting in his room crying under the blankets, today is the last day of summer vacation for Takuya which is the worst thing possible for him. Why you may ask, because Takuya Kanbara is bullied at school, he has no friends and he is too afraid to tell anyone about what is happening to him. The bullying has been going on since he was 11 and he is now 15. He didn't really care that much back then because it was never anything physical and it was really just mean insults. That was until last year when someone got ahold of his diary and told the whole school he was gay. That's when all of his problems just got worse. He would go to school and he was either verbally ridiculed or in some cases he was stuffed in a locker, pushed to the ground, and in gym they would hit him in the face with a ball and claim it was an accident. He had no one to talk to and since his parents and brother were out of the house for months at a time he was all alone except for the occasional check up from his neighbor. But he was still managing to hold on and was avoiding doing anything to harm himself. But that didn't keep him from crying himself to sleep almost every night. He was happy to have the summer and he never left his house unless it was with his parents but he was dreading tomorrow morning of having to wake up for another 180 days of that torture.

Takuya's POV
*why does it have to be me. In elementary I was just a normal kid, always hanging out with my buddies playing tag or climbing the monkey bars. But in sixth grade everything changed and I became the laughing stock of my grade. Everyone distanced themselves from me and I just became a complete outcast. Over the past 4 years I made one friend and he ended up just using me so he could get to my diary to make my life worse. "I really thought JP wanted to be friends, but when I finally invited him over to hang out he trashed my room and stole my diary, then he took pictures and put them all around the school" *I began to cry uncontrollably as I curled into the fetal position, I cried and cried until I finally fell asleep*

3rd POV
MsM: "Kouji come down its time for dinner"
Kj: "I'll be down in a minute I'm unpacking the last box"
That is Kouji Minamoto him and his mother are moving into their new house, this is kouji's third home in the past 2 years. They move a lot do to his mom having a job that constantly has her moving around (I can't think of any job like that at the moment). But she assures him that they will be here for a long time and that he will really enjoy it. Kouji opens the last of his boxes and on top lays a picture of him and what looks to be his twin, he begins to cry he puts the picture on his nightstand and wipes away his tears. He then walks out of his room to go eat dinner.

August 12 (the first day of school)

Kouji's POV
Al: "beep beep beep beep beep"
*I reach over and press the snooze button on my alarm, I open my eyes to check the time and realize it's already 7:15, I have to be at school at 7:30 I'm going to be so late, I quickly hop out of bed and take a quick shower. Five minutes later I hop out of the shower and get dressed in my normal outfit with my bandanna*
MsM: "kouji you were supposed to be out that door 10 minutes ago"

"I know, I overslept and I'm sorry" *I frantically run around the living room looking for my things*

MsM: "your backpack is on the back of the chair in the dining room and I packed you a lunch just incase the food isn't as good as your last school"

"Oh my gosh thank you mom" *I grab my bag and rush over and give my mom a hug*

MsM: "I'm going to be home later tonight so you are on your own for dinner"

"Ok bye mom I love you" *and with that I sprint out the door and run as fast as I can to school, it's only a mile away so if I run my best time I could be there in 7 minutes*

Takuya's POV
*I startle awake in a cold sweat from another nightmare, they aren't uncommon for me but they get worse during school time. I know their is no point in trying to go back to sleep so I get up and perform my morning routine, I take a extra long shower and after I'm done I get dressed in my favorite outfit and throw my hat and goggles on my head. I think to myself maybe sophomore year will be different, last year I was freshmeat but now there focus will be on somebody else. I live almost 20 minutes away from school but I walk everyday in order to avoid riding the bus. I always get their at 15 minutes early and I just go to my 1st period to avoid everyone out in the hallway. The day usually starts out okay but at lunch and during gym is when my day takes a turn.

Kouji's POV
*I look down at my watch (I know he doesn't have a watch but they are cool and useful) and I realize I am five minutes late, I quickly run to my locker and get my stuff for first period. I quickly rush in and open the door*
"I'm so sorry I'm late, I had trouble getting here"

MsL: "oh your fine, I was actually just about to introduce you could you come up to the front of the class"

*I nod my head as I shyly walk to the front of the room, I can feel everybody watching me and I get nervouse*

MsL: "everyone this is Kouji Minamoto, Kouji" *she looks to me* "would like to tell us something about yourself"

*crap why did she put me on the spot like this* "uhh hi I'm Kouji and that's all I got"

MsL: "well kouji I will allow you to get acquainted while I go print off some worksheets but you can choose any open seat" *I look around the room and I'm not particularly impressed until I lay my eyes on a brunette with a hat and some goggles on his head, he looks really nice and he seems to be sneaking glances at me trying to avoid eye contact. I slowly walk towards him when I get a tap on my shoulder*
JP: "trust me you don't want to touch that bitch with a 10ft pole" *the boy quickly glances towards us but instantly looks away* "I thought I told you if I caught you looking at me again you I would kick your ass, just wait until gym buddy today is dodgeball" *I hear the kid whimper and he looks away and doesn't look back, I feel really bad for him*
"So then where should I sit"

Jp: "right next to me of course, I'm Jp by the way. If you stick with me I'll make sure that little bitch over there never bothers you"

"Thanks man" *I smile but I can't help but feel guilt on the inside. Throughout the entire class I continue to listen to Mrs.lauren but I also sneak a few glances at that kid.*

So anyway that's the end of the first chapter. I'm really sorry how the POV system went and I'll probably try a better way of doing it. I also don't know how long this chapter is compared to other stories but I will try to keep them this long but I can't promise it won't end up being longer or shorter from time to time. Anyways I hope you enjoyed chapter 1 of "I Know" and I hope you enjoyed 😀😀😀😀😁😁😁😁.
Also if you don't like the POV system plz give me some recommendations and I would be happy to try them

I Know: Takouji Story (working title)Where stories live. Discover now