Chapter 2 Randomness

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1. When you have the oddest discussion on Wattpad about random things (Aka cannibalism)

2. When you despise authors and yet love them at the same time.

3. When you have the oddest habit of putting book/movie characters into different books in your mind.

4. You wish you could go to a book realm for at least a day.

5. You read fangirl books!

6. You frequently wish you could have just on conversation with a character from your favorite book/movie.

7. Your parents ask whats wrong when you randomly burst into tears while reading.

8.  You read at least 1 book a week.
(not counting fanfics)

9.  When you have your calendar marked for when a books release date is.

10. You know the meaning of 42.

11. And as the road goes ever on live long and may the odds always watch over you, old friend. (You can guess at least three of the goodbyes from books and movies)

12. Sometimes wish there were monsters under your bed so you could interrogate them on how they exist and why.

13. Are wary of stepping under a ladder on Friday with a crow flying overhead.

14. You realize book are the best of friends.

15. When you study way to much into fiction.

16. When the name Aragog send fear into the hearts of Arachnophobes.

17. Your imagination sometimes goes way to crazy.. (Mine sometimes is imagining what being AK'D feels like.)

18. You were crushed your Hogwarts letter didn't come..

19.  When you randomly laugh while reading and people look at you like your crazy.
(I just randomly laugh without a book! Keep em on there toes!)

20. You wish that sometimes you could just live in your books instead of the real world.

21. When you can carry out a conversations using quotes only (done that...)

I want ideas! Please PM me if you have anything interesting.

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