"What about Grant?" Alejandra asks. I glare at her. I never told them the specifics of what happened with Grant at his party. I just said it would never work out.

"Who cares if you like him or not?" She rolls her eyes. "He's cute and--"

"No," I say sternly, setting my fork down.

Alejandra glares at me a second then rolls her eyes. "Fine, whatever."

I look around the cafeteria absentmindedly; a poster to come out and support the boys basketball team Thursday catches my attention.

"What about Trevor?" I say after a minute. The girls exchange looks and I shift in my seat thinking about the basketball player. "Is he still with that girl? Amber?"

I don't really know Trevor. Usually he's with this blonde in my AP World History class. He's in my soc class and we were partners for a quick project once, but I've barely noticed him until attending the last basketball game. Going to school sporting events has never been our thing but Becca insisted I needed to stop sulking and we couldn't think of anything else to do. Everyone was going; it was the playoffs or something. Trevor scored the winning basket and his smile was literally to die for.

Alejandra shrugs. "Who cares? If they're together we'll just break them up."

"No," I frown at her. "Find out if they're dating. If they are, I'll think of someone else," I assure them.

"Sure thing," Becca smiles.


Trevor slings his practice bag over his shoulder and drags his feet out the locker room, exhausted. He wipes the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand as he walks out the front of his school. He furrows his eyebrows, approaching his car slowly in confusion.

Becca leans against the hood of his silver BMW nonchalantly, tapping away on her phone while Alejandra stands beside her eyeing him down.

He recognizes the two girls as would anyone else that goes to Lockwood. The sight of them by his car waiting for him after basketball practice unnerves him. He shakes his head a little. Why is he unnerved by a couple of girls half his size?

"Can I help you?" He asks strongly.

The voice breaks Becca out of her concentration of responding to her Instagram comments and she tilts her head down, peering at Trevor over her Gucci sunglasses. She smiles and slides her phone into her back pocket but remains leaned against his car.

"Trevor Macintosh?" She asks.

"Yeah," he says, eyebrows still furrowed, adjusting his bag on his shoulder.

"I'm Becca and this is--"

"I know who you are," Trevor cuts her off with a wave of his hand.

"Great," Alejandra smiles. "And you know Harper?"

"Everyone knows Harper."

"Well she wants you to take her to prom," Becca tells him.

Trevor's eyebrows raise and he tilts his head in suspicion. Harper Caldwell wants him to ask her to prom? Holden Frasier's ex girlfriend? The girl that replaced Lydia O'Connell? The girl that walked in New York fashion week?

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