Tale of the Nine-Tailed Ninja

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Okay, so Naruto got me obsessed with nine-tailed foxes. I know the one Naruto is stuck with is viscous as hell but what if he’s not the only nine-tailed fox? What if there are more of them: smarter, smaller, and a little less gruesome? And, what if a select few of them, a very small few, could take human form? What would become of this “nine-tailed ninja”?

My nine-tailed foxes are obviously a lot different from the one the show displayed and I’ll explain them as I go. Hey, don’t knock it before you try it! As always, thanks for reading and please comment below.


P.S. No, I never actually finished the series so don’t judge my lack of information that may or may not make any of this possible.


            “You will never become a ninja,” he growled. I lay sprawled across the ground, tears welling up behind my eyes. But they weren’t tears of pain and sorrow. They were tears of anger. Who was this man to say what I could and could not do? He didn’t know me. He didn’t know what I was capable of. He didn’t even know what I was! I pushed myself up, shaky from all the fighting. Sure, physically he was stronger than me, but my chakra was superior to his.

“I’ll show you who will never be a ninja!” I put my hands close to my chest and quickly performed the hand signs for the only jutsu I knew. “Blast Style: Firestorm Jutsu!” A harsh scream resounded around the forest. Birds flew out of their nests, desperate to escape whatever caused that horrible sound. I grunted as my jutsu faded. At least the vultures will have a cooked meal tonight, I thought before going on my merry way.

“If you keep that up, it won’t just be rogue ninja who know your name.” I glanced up as Orochimaru slowly sank from his perch in a tree. I only recognized him because every ninja I met constantly talked about him. Honestly, I didn’t see what was so magnificent about the guy. So what he’s super powerful? I would be too if someone grew a pair and decided to teach me.

You don’t even know my name, Orochimaru. I doubt I have anything to fear.”

“True. I don’t know your true name but you’re more popularly known as the Nightmare of the Village Hidden in the Leaves.”

“Is that so? That’s funny. I don’t recall the Village Hidden in the Leaves ever claiming me.” One of Orochimaru’s eyebrows rose in mock surprise.

“Even so, you do haunt their land.” I smirked.

“I do them a favor.”

“Indeed. Tell me, is this how you plan to spend the rest of your life: jumping from one rogue to the next, trying to get one to teach you his jutsu?”

“For a time. I still have plenty of life ahead of me.”

“I see that.” Orochimaru studied my small form. I heard his stare gave most people the creeps. I was used to being sized up. Everybody seemed to do that whenever I gave the inclination that I carried power. “How old are you, child?”

Tale of the Nine-Tailed NinjaWhere stories live. Discover now