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January 22, 2016

Yoongi hyung and I fought again today. He was drunk and he kept telling me once again that I stole something away from him. I was asking him what is it so that I could give it back to him but he said that if I knew I wouldn't give it to him. He kept on telling me that I'm selfish.

But I wasn't, was I?

He said that I was too blind to see it, to feel it. He said I never cared about him and his feelings. I don't understand.

What was the thing that I stole that involves his feelings?

He wasn't a very sentimental person, so maybe it meant so much to him. It felt awful. To see Yoongi hyung cry in front of me, in front of us. And we couldn't do anything about it.

I'm sorry, Yoongi-hyung.

January 23, 2016

I kept on asking Jungkook, Taehyung and the other hyungs if they knew what Yoongi hyung was blabbering about, and they always manage to change the topic before I could really really ask it to them. It became irritating.

Maybe they knew what I stole? So I really did steal something?

Yoongi hyung was out the whole day, and he comes back at midnight, then leaves before everyone wakes up. I haven't gotten the chance to talk to him, I wanted to ask him when he was sober. But I guess he didn't want to talk to me anymore?

January 24, 2016

Taehyung told me that I didn't steal anything. Taehyung told me not to mind Yoongi hyung and to give him time. That I wasn't selfish. That it was Yoongi hyung's problem, and to understand him.

But then I waited for Yoongi-hyung to arrive at midnight. And when he saw me, he punched me right in the face. Everyone woke up and in a split second they were holding Yoongi-hyung as he tried to kick me in the face.

I still don't understand.

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