Decmeber 10th

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Better late than never as my Dad would always say. So now I am frantically arranging all of my Christmas presents. Today was a productive day. I spent the entirety of my morning working out in the gym. My New Years resolution is to work out more and stay in shape. I'm trying to make my six-pack appear a little more prominent. I can also wear all the running clothes I own for what they're supposed to be used for.
After my workout, I took a shower and grabbed my laptop and searched online for my Christmas presents. I had written a list of everyone's gifts.
Mum –High heels
Dad – New TV
Madeline – Sneakers, tour around ice cream factory
Max – Concert tickets
Eleanor – The same gift as Mums
Ethan – Holiday, personalised playing cards, ties
Since Ethan is giving my parents our house from us both, I realised my gifts to them should be more... normal. So, I got Mum, Eleanor, Jasmine and I, four of the same sized black high heels, we all have the same size feet. I added Jasmine to the list when I decided to call the genius who designed and created my dress. He also does heels. He explained he would deliver my Mum's shoes in person since he's visiting his boyfriend's family for Christmas, and they only live thirty minutes away from my family. So that's very, very, very convenient and cute. He's extremely nice and polite. He's French, and has a very lovely broad accent. He wasn't too happy with the short notice I left him with, but because I looked so good in his dress he made an exception for me. He said he would surprise us, too. So I'm super excited to see what these shoes look like. If they're as good as my dress I don't think we'll be taking them off!
I ordered Madeline six pairs of Converse – purple, red, black, white, blue and pink. I know she'll love them. It's the unwrapping I'm sure she will enjoy the most, having all those boxes piled up for her. Her excitement will be uncontainable. And I called Ron's ice cream and organised a tour around their factory or whatever they call it where they make the ice cream. So she'll be able to see how her beloved bubblegum ice cream is made! It's going to be the best gift ever! I can just imagine walking around and turning to find Madeline had vanished, then the next moment I just see her swimming in the bubblegum ice cream mixer.
When I spoke to Eleanor about a gift for Max she explained that Max would like two tickets for the ballet. Obviously they're for her, but she said to get them for him anyway. I know it doesn't really make sense, but I followed her instructions. Her happiness brings him happiness I guess. Relationships are weird.
     As for Ethan's gifts, I've designed him some golden playing cards that have his own cool design on the back with his initials inscribed on them. Every card is the same, apart from the Queen of hearts; on that one it has a photo of me with a cheesy childish grin and two thumbs up. I thought it'd be funny. They come in a lovely wooden box. I hope he likes them because I spent the forever designing them!
     As for a holiday I booked a trip to the Maldives. The main reason I booked this holiday is because it's beautiful and sunny and we'll be marooned on a small island for ten days. Meaning we'll be able to spend lots and lots and lots of time alone.
     And of course, ties. I had a long search through a huge collection of ties, although none appealed to me. The perfect one inevitably showed itself. Nothing else came close to this tie. It was a sky blue tie with falling snowflakes draping on it. It even came in a unique crafted box, how cool is that? Out of all of his ties, this one would be my favourite.
     I shut my laptop after ordering everything, letting out a huge sigh of relief. Ethan was doing press-ups in the gym when I emerged from my bedroom. I rushed in and laid across his back as he continued, wrapping my arms around his chest. We're by far the cutest couple, not to be a couple, ever.

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