Before I even knew it hit me, my head felt like it exploded, and I was quickly consumed by an uncomfortable darkness.

I was viewing from the outside this time, not in the point of view of a certain person.

I was looking in on some sort of meeting; there were probably about twenty people sitting around a table including the woman Anne I'd seen before, who didn't look very pleased at the moment.

The "Boss", who they called Marcus, was standing before them, addressing them about the problem that was currently their top priority.

"We have come to the understanding that she is beginning to be a bit unpredictable," he started, and I automatically knew they were talking about me. "I don't think that the missing students are catching her attention enough as it should be".

There were low murmurs travelling around the room before the woman, Anne, raised her hand to speak,

"But sir, you heard how. . . 'unhinged' she was after Jonathan killed that girl Becca". She sounded bitter, and I remembered that she was the one who had felt monstrous about killing teenagers.

"Yes our spy is proving to be very useful in replaying the information back to us, but he has lately informed me that she is almost back to her old self. Therefore, we may have to resort to new tactics to get what we wish."

A few people whispered, and then eagerly nodded their heads in unison. It seemed that they have been itching to use these new tactics for a while now.

"Perhaps once we have her here, we can reveal the identities of those who have been keeping an eye on her," one of the men said with a giddy smile lighting up his face.

"Well then we will have to act as soon as possible! Make the preparations then, and we will initiate our new plan when the time is right," Marcus said, and then the room started to fade away bit by bit.

No! I have to see what they're up to, I thought to myself, but it was too late.

The vision dissolved, and I was left struggling in the dark world of my own mind.

Gasping for breath, I woke up on the floor of the elevator as it finally stopped and the doors slowly slid open.

My head was pounding as it usually did after a vision, and I scrunched my eyes involuntarily to try and make the pain go away. It subsided bit by bit, and then I figured Cam would probably be wondering where I was if I didn't show up with the boys soon.

As I walked down to the cafe, I couldn't help but wonder what these "new tactics" were that they wanted to resort to.

And frankly, I was a little scared.

Yes, they'd only kidnapped a few of the kids from school, but if they were capable of taking them out in public without anyone noticing, then what else could they be able to do to me?

I found Ty and Nate sitting at a table at the far end or the cafe. They noticed me walking up to their table, and immediately a smile lit up Nate's face.

Ty suddenly found the floor a little more interesting than he had a few moments ago.

"What's up Aubrey?" Nate asked.

"Campfire on the beach. You guys in?"

"Hell yeah, it's about time something interesting happened. I mean, come on! It's our last day here!" Nate perked up and jumped from his seat. Ty smirked and got up, and all three of us started walking to the lobby to meet Cam and Monica.

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