"Thanks." I say walking into the Lawyer building and to the stair case.

"Your welcome, be careful."

"I will." I say and walk up the steeps with out either of us two making a noise as we walk up to floor eight.

Jason slides in front of me and nodes at me as he opens the door with handy man leading the way. I follow closely pulling out one of my swords and my shot gun. We crouch down sticking to the walls as we slowly work our way round the winding hallways to Mr. Coffee's Office. Finally we come up to the office three down from Mr. Coffee's and open Mr. Mundy's Office door closing it behind us locking it. I climb up onto his desk placing his chair on the desk and clime onto it. I reach up pulling back the ceiling tile and pull myself up. Jason place the chair back not needing the extra height like I do. I reach down helping Jason up not that he really needed the help and I place the tile back. We slowly creep through the ceiling trying not to make any noise as we crawl under carders and pipes.

I hold my hand up stopping Jason and lean down lessening to the people in the room below us.

"Marten," A young woman's voices says. "What are you saying we kill all those people and take over the Wall-mart. Your insane" She says.

I look back at Jason, our eyes wide with fear, planning our next move. They are dead, No one is going to kill my daughter. I say with out words to Jason and he know all to well what is coming next. I pull the tile back enough so I can see into the room below. There is a women setting in the far corner with three little babies around her and two older children probably ten and twelve. I look to the window and found a large muscular man looking out the scoop on his sniper rifle. Two men are at the door with guns waiting for someone to come through the door. Ha. That was a laugh. Three other men are on either side of the room all watching their surrounding all but the ceiling. Another women is passing around the room arguing with who I presume is the leader of their small group.

"Marten, I'm not going to kill innocent people, you know non of us are going to fallow that order if you give it." The man at the door says.

"I for one am itching for a good killing." One of the other man says licking his lips.

"I second it. It will be nice to sleep with a women." The man next to the file cabinet says.

"Forget it Marten, I'm with Al, I wont stop you but I want join you either." the man that was by the women in the corner walks over to the women next to the desk.

"Alright a vote, who is with me?" Marten asks.

Three of the men walk over to Marten's side holding their guns and turn looking at the others. So they stand divided then we will wait for these three men to leave then we will attack Marten's group. I look over my shoulder at Jason and hold up my hand singling the three we are going to take out. He nodes as I return to watching the new group. The three men walk over to the office table and lay out plane's for their raid on our home. A few moments latter the group of three men lead by Marten walk to the door as we crawl over to the next room climbing down. We creep over to the door and wait till we see them move past the room. I open the door slightly watching the men stop by the stair's door and wait till the close the door behind them before I walk out the door leaving Jason with his sniper riffle at the window.

I creep towards the stairs door and wait a few second then open the door walking onto the stairs. I pull out my shot gun and walk over to the edge of the stair case looking down at the three men as they hurry down the stairs. Foots steeps out side the door makes me back up and come face to face with the women that was at the desk. Shit. We blink then she pulls out her hand gun pointing it at me as she works up a scream to worn the men below. I lung for her clapping my hand over her mouth and around her gun pulling it out of her hand. I wait till I hear the men leave the stairs then I pin her against the door.

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