Chapter one

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"Bang" The gun goes off, the bullet scattering the brains of another undead. "Bang" a slug launches into the undead standing next to the one that just fell dead once again. "Bang" Another bullet buries itself into the brain of another unsuspecting undead as it runs at the group. The group runs through the shrouded streets lined with corpses and blood as the undead chase after them. Someone at the back of the group stumbles and falls to the ground shouting out in pain and fear.

"Rebecca" Scot yells as he races to her side helping her up as the rest of the group covers them.

"There's to many, leave them behind." Sam yells out as more of the undead pore into the streets from alleyways, and dilapidated buildings.

"NO, no one get left behind." Rick yells as he and Jack races to help Rebecca and Scot.

Scot grabs Rebecca and pulls her up dragging her behind him. The undead are merely two feet away from them and coming fast. Rick and Jack run up to them shooting as many as they can but they just keep coming. Unable to do anything for them the group rushes into an open corridor and disappear into a side door leading to the back room of a Wall-Mart. The four that are left behind dash as fast as they can around over turn cars, and bodies. One of the undead grab the back of Jack and pull him down in to a sea of undead. Looking from the top of an old business building, I jump down into the mess of undead swinging my blade with precision cutting into the swarm.

I cut Jack a path out of the swarm letting him escape and pull out grenades throwing them into the swarm making my escape. I pull the pins out with my teeth throwing two more grenades over my shoulder at the undead sending them falling to the uneven pavement. Jack and the rest of them race off into an Alleyway and race back to the Wall-Mart as I distract the swarm. I take a side road racing into the side of a building and out the back door and into the one next to it. I race to the stares, up them, through the door to the roof and to the edge of the building. With out hesitating I jump off the side catching the side of the next build which is one level higher then the one I was just on and six feet away.

I pull myself up, racing to the other side and jump off landing on the roof of the next building. I jump off and on three other building and finally stop looking behind me to find not one of the undead able to find me. I turn pulling out my binoculars and look to the west where the Wall-Mart is. I find not one of the undead had stopped to fallow Jack and his group and they had made it home safely. Looking to the roof I see the familiar faces of my comrades stand on the roof watching me.

Hanna my friend of 18 years waving me back home letting me know what I have already confirmed. Everyone had made it safely back unharmed and untouched by the swarm. I double check all my routes home just to be on the safe side. We haven't had one undead follow us home in the year we have lived at the Wall-Mart and I wasn't going to be the one that messes that up. I crawl into the small window behind the Wall-Mart and slide down the wall into my room. It wasn't much just a futon bed, dresser, bookshelf, baby crib, changing table and rocking chair that we had found in the surrounding stores. I close the sound proof tinted window and turn around to find Lilly my 15 month old daughter standing in the doorway of our room rubbing her eyes. Hanna steps from behind the wall into the room with Lilly following her.

Lilly walks up to me holding out her arms as I bind over picking her up and giving her a big hug. Hanna grabs me pulling me and Lilly into her arms and holds us closes.

"What where you thinking? You had me, A.J. and Lilly worried to death." Hanna says in my ear.

"Nothing I didn't think, it just happened. Sorry I just fallowed my instincts." I say as we let go of each other and I set Lilly in her crib for her nap. The sun is just now deciding to come up letting us know that its 5 in the morning.

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