Naru: Night  * goes to room and cries self to sleep * * At 2 in the morning * NOOO!!!

Sasu: What is it? Is there a burgler?

Naru: No nothSasu: Well.....

Naru: It's okay you just gave me a  fright.

Sasu: I was watching you care for the animals.

Naru: Oh okay do you wanna help?

Sasu: No thanks I'm fine.

Naru: Isn't it a beautiful day out?

Sasu: * under breath * Just like you

Naru: Huh?

Sasu: Oh nothing!

Naru: Okay

Sasu: * poof * Umm Naruto do wanna have a picnic

Naru: Sure.

Sasu: Here  * pours drink *

Naru: Umm sorry bug I don't drink

Sasu: Don't worry * poof * here have some apple juice.

Naru: Thank you Sasuke

Sasu: For what?

Naru: For trying to make me happy and I am happy but........

Sasu: But what?

Naru: Nevermind I don't want to talk about it.

Sasu: Okay I won't pester you about it anymore.

Naru: Hey Sasuke where do you come from?

Sasu: Well when the mommy and daddy chaos magic wizards get together then poof a baby chaos wizard is born.

Naru: Not like that

Sasu: I know you want to know where I am from. Well.....

When I was young my mom and dad were always there for me. But then there was a huge blizzard. Then I got lost and couldn't find my parents so I hid in a cave up on the mountains. Then Princess Tsunade found me up there with clouds of Cotton candy and raining chocolate milk. That's why whenever I am sad ponk clouds of cotton candy and then chocolate rain show up. My mom and dad would give them to me to cheer up. Anyways Tsunade took me to Konoha and told me no matter who you are, no matter what your appearence you will fit in. But that was not true...... People called me a freak a monster because of my powers. Then well you know the rest.

Naru: Wow who knew you had a horrible past. Don't worry my past isn't that great either no one but the animals and my friends paid attention to me.

Sasu: Who wouldn't want to lay attention to you.

Naru: Because of this......

Naru: Everyone thinks that I will be this monster when I really am not but they don't believe me.

Sasu: Wow that's no monster it's beautiful.

Naru: * changes back * Really you and my friends aren't afraid I'm glad some people accept me.  * yawn * I'm going to go to bed I'm tired.

Sasu: Okay let's go *picks up Naruto and poofs inside the castle*

Naru: Night  * goes to room and cries self to sleep * * At 2 in the morning * NOOO!!!

Sasu: What is it? Is there a burgler?

Naru: No. Just a bad dream

Sasu: Care to talk about it.

Sasuke's Bride (sasunaru)Where stories live. Discover now