~Chapter 8- Trap~

Start from the beginning

She tugged aside the strap of bandage that had been wound over her toes and up around her ankle, to try and peek inside the open hole of the corner. She looked in, saw the cotton bandages wrapped around her toes were soaked in blood and gagged.

She recoiled from her own feet and cried out in horror. The next memory stabbed at her brain.

Lying on the table, I heard the chinking sound of metal instruments by my throbbing feet. The pain numbed to a dull ache. The anaesthetic kicking in.

It was a bit late for that. Stupid pricks,she thought sourly, trying to brave the next images in her head.

More clinking of medical tools. It sent shivers down my whole body and before I could prepare myself for it, the stab of metal in between my legs attacked my nerves. I let out a muffled cry.

The clank as the invading object hit the table was deafening.

She’s still awake!” bellowed a low bass voice I recognized instantly.

The fear at the sound of his voice caused a lump to lodge in my throat.

Damn it,” cursed a woman’s voice. It was low and soft. The complete contrast of her current occupation. “Well I’m definitely sure of it,” the woman said. “Put it this way, that shouldn’t have hurt if she wasn’t.”

Never mind that, put her under. She shouldn’t have to be awake through this,” he growled.

If my eyes hadn’t automatically opened from the stab of metal inside my vagina, I wouldn’t have dared open them now.

The light was blinding and I had to blink several times to adjust to it. My eyes were watery. All I could see from my lying down position was a bumpy stone ceiling. The low light- I suspected was from a strong hospital light used for examinations and operations- cast eerie shadows all over the ceiling.

I gazed down to my left until my eyes were met with the fierce, dark eyes of my kidnapper. My attempt at screaming came out in a whimper.

His eyes widened as if he was horrified.

He's horrified?! I thought incredulously. I wanted to gouge his eyes out.

She should have been well under. Are you sure she was given enough?” whispered the unknown woman.

I tried to look down but couldn’t see past my tummy. My vision was blurry; the blinding hospital light wasn’t helping. Then the thought that there was a hospital light being used in this room; the metal bed, the metal objects, brought me back to my situation. I was naked from the waist down. My jeans had been removed. There was nothing but a thin sheet covering my dignity. It made no difference when the knowledge hit home that this woman had just shoved a rod up me.

What is she doing to me?

Erica was sure of it. I trust her judgement.”

Hearing my aunt’s name turned my thoughts dark and sorrowful. How could she do this to me? Where is she? I'll wring her thick neck!

Clearly a mistake,” the woman retorted.

Anaesthetic,” Driver barked.

What do you want from me?” I croaked. My voice was so weak I barely recognized it. My eyes were closed again but the sound of shuffling close to my head make me snap them open wide. Driver towered over me, blocking the light from my face. I couldn't see his features clearly. I didn't want to anyway.

We’re not going to hurt you. No one’s going to hurt you. I promise.” His voice was strong and resolute as if he truly meant what he said.

I wanted to laugh at him and spit in his face. Instead I just turned my head away from him in fear and shame.

You got it?”

I frowned, thinking he was speaking to me.

Yes. This will be more than enough,” the woman replied.

My heart punched against my ribcage. Knowing through the haze of my drug-induced brain what she planned to do, I tried to move my left arm -the nearest to her- but I could barely lift it. A warm, tiny hand gripped it firmly. I cried out before the prick of the needle pierced the skin. I felt the fluid being injected into the groove of my elbow. I panicked, unable to escape the merciless hold of sleep. My eyes released tears that trickle down my hairline and into the groove of my ears.

That was the last thing I felt before the room disappeared and I swam into darkness.

Jaz massaged her throbbing temples as questions bounced against the walls of her brain.

They drugged me. Twice. Bastards. And they gave me a vaginal exam? Why? What kind of sick twisted people do that? My own aunt betrayed me? Is she even my real aunt? I don’t know what to believe anymore.

She lay down sideways, wrapped the thick blanket around her and shivered inside it though she was boiling hot to the touch. The tears flowed easily and soaked the sheets by her face. She cried herself to sleep.

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