Chapter Five .

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I Let It Fall , My Heart.And As It Feel You Rose To Claim It. It Was Dark & I Was Over Until You Kissed My Lips & You Saved Me. My Hands They're Strong , But Knees They're Far To Weak____________________________

3 months later


I Needa Get Away & Quick.

Jeniya P.O.V

The twins are 3 months today. They're growing up so fast it doesnt make since. Me & Roc Are still togeter he's so sweet. He's been here for me ever since i've had the twins. He loves them to death. They're spoiled rotten. I Decided to name them Zaniyah & Aniyah. They finally did tell me about the one that died at birth. It was sad at first but then I said it wasnt her time. Diggy he's still annoying. He wants to see the babys. I don't know why they aint his. But when he found out that Roc was the dad. He went crazy. He tried to beat him up. Key Word Is TRIED. Lets just say he won't come around Roc without backup.

"Hey baby" Roc said as he walked in the door. I was in the living room since the twins were upstairs. I aint gonna lie he was looking SEXY ever since he cut his hair. The things I would do.

"Hey" I replied. He walked around the chair and sat down on me. " How was your day" He asked while giving me a peck on the forehead.

"Good , just catching up on Bad Girls Club & waiting for you to get your big butt off me"

"Im not moving , im not moving" he sang. This nigga -_- .

"Whatever" I ran my hands thru what hair he had left trying to change just because he turning 22 nigga please.

"You talk to Jas today"

"Uhmm , Yea her & Ray come back today & they wanted to meet up"

"What about the babies" he asked with concern.

"She said her dad & keon would watch them"

"I guess so" he said. He worse than me & im the mom. Im the one thats supposed to be worrying about who they staying with while they're still young.

"Yay , well your gonna watch them for right now because im bouta take a nap"

Jas P.O.V

Ray suprised me & took me to Bahammas one week then he took me to Italy the next. We had fun , but I think im pregnant again. I dont wanna alarm him yet so I made a doctor appointment for tomorrow & ima take Niya with me. She's the only one i can really trust these days.

"Ray , Niya just text me & said they're up for tonight"

"Okay" We are on our way from the airport. Keon watch Z'kia for me at my house. He better not have had not one girl in my house. My holy home. When we pulled I was so happy. I mean I loved being away from home but i missed the people here. Kia , & Keon Wont home so I went to bed while Ray brung the stuff.

"Well then just get in bed already"

I started laughing. The way he said it was so weird. " I love you"

" I love you to" he said while stroking my face. What was I thinking about when I left him , it was the second time he messed up. And he admitted it instead of lying. Before I knew it I was sleep.

Her dream

"Hey mommy"


"Yepp , its me"

" Your alive"

"Yes and No"

"Huhh"? Okay im smart but right now im so confused.

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