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The cold water of the shower rushed down her back. Her body shivered under the stream of iciness, almost making her turn on the warmth. She refused. It was almost as if her body wanted to die that night, sobbing on the floor of her bathroom. She refused.

Walking to the kitchen she eyed the knives, her body moving towards them, begging them to take her life. She refused. Her mother snapped at her calling her useless, she wanted to retaliate. She. Refused.
The stars were dimmer then they usually are, lulling her to sleep. She refused. The voices of her grandparents rang through her mind, pulling her towards the 'safety' of them. She refused. The pain she felt in her arms and legs made her want to cut them off and die, happily. She refused. The sound of car hitting road and the scraping of metal found it's way into her weak and helpless mind, begging to be forgotten. She. Refused.
She walked into the kitchen, a lazy smile plastered on her bruised face, continuously shooting pain through her, wanting her to stop. She refused. Going over to find some food, she noticed the many empty bottles of alcohol lying around the dining room, she turned to run. She refused. Her father stumbled downstairs and drunkly swayed over to her, a phsycotic smile stuck to his features, raising his arm back to strike her. She. Refused.

Okay, so this is a really weird set up but each different font=different character. Also, thank you for reading, this may not get updated quickly (it depends on my internet) but other than that imma make like a good old tree and leaf.

P.S I have no idea if I spelt pshycotic right cause autocorrect isn't helping me.

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