A Beating Heart

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      In the days that followed, the Sacarian warriors rode through the villages of Pacis Mona destroying those who stayed faithful to Elphidia, enslaving the young and taking what women they could. Within one group of women, there was one that Johnathan took interest in. Iris needed nourishment and she seemed ripe for the picking. This countryside whispered a force of unified peace, that is until war broke loose. The abundance of food and craft dwindled down to a trickle or went elsewhere. What little establishment of creatures living went underground in terror. The once beautiful land turned into a trading ground for slavery.

   Time dragged its days into weeks much like each soldier's foot in the landscape. A festering need stirred the hearts of each man.

 "There has been no village to plunder, nor food and women to warm our beds!" Shouted one warrior toward the air. Three, in particular, grew discontent, they began to spew threatening remarks toward the woman who Johnathan protected. The child lay content in protective arms suckling her fill with milk unaware of the vexed men around her. 

 Poor thing she knows not of the horrors she will survive in the years to come. This little being holds the fate of the future in her hands, the lady who tended to Iris thought.

     The leader of the Sacarian warriors ordered a short pause to freshen the horses and scout out the surrounding area. Why he spared her from his lustful men she couldn't fathom it. A few men stalked over to her in sheer spite and something else in their eyes. 

The first, a tall shaggy creature spoke, "The King may need the babe to live, but that doesn't mean we can't enjoy the wet-nurse!" 

"Look at her, you scared the poor thing. Don't worry sweet lady I am a better lover than he. Let me show you," the second whispered reaching out to touch the woman's thigh.

 A third short and stocky being slapped the second man's hand away. "You can't have her to yourself, share with me."

    At this point, the woman kicked her heel into the horse's side intending to leave. The horse reared up nearly unsettling its rider and made to bolt. Its escape was defeated when the first man wrenched the reins down and out of the lady's hands. Luckily the baby wasn't injured, but uncharacteristically quiet.

   "Where you think you are going? It's not a crime to have a little laugh with the like of you". Unfortunately, the tousle left her blouse ripped. Between the three men, they managed to swipe Iris away and pull the frightened young woman off her horse. 

     However, before events took a turn for the worse Johnathan appeared behind the three contentious men and threw them with great force across the clearing. Gathering her wits the woman straightened her clothing and picked up the howling child. Something strange appeared in the infant's eyes. Once sparkling green irises turned black with dilated pupils. Her skin turned hot to the touch and her bones shifted only a fraction of a second.

    "Calm her down Calypso!" a voice screamed inside the lady's mind. Johnathan turned watching in fascination the electric power surging through this young soul. Calypso began to rock Iris with ease stifling the unknown fear bubbling up inside her. The silence resounded in the weary travelers as they tried to comprehend what happened.

 "The next person who even sets eyes on this woman or Iris I will personally kill. The child has unstable capabilities that when disturbed can be devastating to others. She is Dauctophant, if we are careless the Alis Alumini will come with vengeance from the spirit world," Johnathan spoke out commanding his silent unit.

        The night crept over them as the subdued travelers covered lost ground. Light filtered through by two moons rising on the east and west horizons. There were voices heard before long, three yards ahead. 

Gesto stared in the direction saying, "Local traders, what do you say Johnathan? Shall we bargain with them to get food, pelts, and supplies?"

 "Yes and maybe one might have a use for a worthless soldier or two," he snickered looking over his shoulder at the men in questioning.

    At the crossroads Johnathan rode ahead meeting the oncoming traders waving a white cloth in the process. There were horses from unknown origins pulling bamboo caged wagons, and wolves carrying an assortment of meats strapped on their backs. Fur hung over individual horses with riders straddled upon them. A variety of sounds came from the caged wagons announcing slaves of all races. A bearish man who wore panther skin as clothing dismounted his horse and said, "What might be your business here stranger?"

        "You have some fine merchandise, I have some delicacies myself. I would like to offer a trade naturally," Johnathan waved his hand over in the direction he came.

 "I am a fair man, what do you offer that I need?" the trader asked quizzically. In answer, Johnathan whistled for his company to come. A torrent of dust came forth announcing their arrival.

      As the dust settled, Johnathan cleared his throat, "Women, children of working age, I offer you quality slaves, sir. To sweeten the pot I give to you a sturdy hard-working guard," he indicated motioning to one of Calypso's attackers. 

The man grinned, "The women are worth two furs and a slice of meat apiece. As for your young slaves, I shall give you one of my own. We have traveled far from the Seas of Kelstra for some time." 

     "What of the guard?" Johnathan asked. The man glared, studying the built and stance of a tall somewhat rough looking man.

 "That one will do, I have some use for him. I will give you my finest wolf with three of my finest pelts!" replied the traveler as he analyzed his acquaintance. 

"We are in an agreement then. A guard, three women, five children, for a wolf, nine pelts, and enough meat for a journey home". The two fellows shook hands and the trading commenced.

    Once the caravans parted ways the leader of the Sacarian troops turned to the awaiting company saying, "Let this be a lesson to those who cross the will of the king. There are consequences to your actions," he finished as he held a chain connected to a collared snarling grey wolf.

 "Hail the one true king!" they all chanted at once. Within the new group of slaves, there was one in particular that took to Iris. He was five years old with tanned skin, a sure sign of a child of the sea.

     "What's your name boy?" Johnathan asked as they made their way through a wooded forest. "My name... Sir, my name my mother gave me?" the boy asked timidly.

 "Yes child, what is it? You seem familiar to me," answered the man. 

"Tristan, although I can't recall my mother's maiden name".  

"You are from the Seas of Kelstra, are you not?" the question flew out of Johnathan's mouth. 

"Yes sir, I don't care much for land. My legs you see, feel awkward without the swaying of the ground," the boy cracked a smile.

    "I like the sea myself, always been curious about the living aspect of it... I think I will keep you for a while," Johnathan answered. Their destination, the Sacarian Castle, was nearing quicker than the leader found himself wanting. In the few days following Saphana's death, Iris had wiggled her way into his stone cold heart. He and his wife wanted a family of their own but fate frowned upon them. The wife became brittle and broken, but he never gave up hope. Because of the love, he felt for Saphana, his allegiance to the crown shifted staring into the face of her child. At this moment his decision about Iris's fate became final.

     "Gesto take half of the provisions and women, the children too. Bring the men and go before the king in my stead. Tell him Saphana and her child are dead, burnt beyond recognition. I can't have this child succumb to such imprisonment," the leader whispered to his most trusted friend. Gesto looked from his friend to the babe, to the boy then back again. 

"Your secret is safe with me," he replied knowingly. As they set up camp for the last time, Johnathan sneaked away with a wolf, a baby, a wet nurse, and a strange little boy heading south-east to Bolenta his home.

Author's Note: What are your thoughts toward Johnathan? Vote/comment I would like to hear from all of you!

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