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I walk through the forest. It's a full moon..... I kept walking till i saw a girl.. It was Annie my little sister.
She was waving at me happily.
I smile and walk toward her.
Suddenly we hear a growl..... so terrifying it was..... I then see a huge white wolf slightly bigger than any other werewolf..... rushing towards Annie.....
I sprinted towards her.... I tried to shift but I can't......
I fall down feeling my legs weak..
I hear Annie scream in pain.... as that wolf.... rip her body..
I tried to move as much as I can.
But all I can do is watch my sisters death...... I then see wolf smirking at me.....I growl at him.....
He started to shift back....
As took his human form... my eyes widened....... I more than shocked....
IT WAS ME........

I kick out of my nightmare breathing heavy... it's early morning. I look myself at mirror.... I am pathetic.

I always have the same nightmare.... haunting me.. torturing me.

I don't want to have another incident like that.

I went down the hall.... to have a tea. As I entered the hall.. the smell of alcohol hit my nose.
It looked at the table... seeing Amanda drinking vodka early in morning..... she is the heaviest drinker I have ever seen.
But she is also kind.... and annoying. She sat on floor having alchohol... her hair was all messed up.... she had dull eyes.

"Can't you have coffee or something early in the morning... Amanda...."I asked her while she was having her drink.

"Coffee is boring... HH... idiot.
You should try some. "She pushed a glass full of vodka toward me.

"No thanks "I said as I pour down vodka.. in wash bin.

"Idiot don't waste it.... it's my honey"she yelled at me.

"You and me have to go to work... so get ready.. and don't you call me idiot again "I yelled back.

She was staring at me like she wanted to eat me alive...
I gave her the same stare.

"Fine"she hiss at me and walks away.

About Amanda and my relation.
She took me in when I was injured... she saved me.
And she act like she don't care about me.. but she does. She once said I remind her of her brother.

She also had a terrible past which is why she waste her life drinking.......
I and her now live together... I mean like best friends. Many people think we are dating but no we are not. Amanda is my best friend.... Well human friend
And she is the only person who know what I really am...
I had to tell her when she decided to take me with her.

We just moved to this new town.. and today is our first day at work. I hope Amanda behave herself😧😧.

After having breakfast and arguing about alcohol.... we got ready and went to the new work place.


Sylvia :

I woke up early in the morning... stretched my body and started with my morning chores.

I got into my jeans and shirt.. went down to have breakfast.

As I went down. I can see my mom in the kitchen... dad probably went for work already.

"Morning.. mom"I wished her with a smile.
"Oo.. morning.. sweety
Ready already "she asked that because I usually gets up later than this time.... but today I feel different.... I wanted to get early for some reason.
"Yep... and I am off to work "I said with smile on my face.
"Have your breakfast.. first kiddo"she said pulling me back and making me sit.

After I had my breakfast. I started my scooter and headed for the library.
I was in a mood to read something and I have time till my work hour begins.
Once i got a new book..... I head back to my working place.....

I work in vet hospital..... as a receptionist for now. Even though I am qualified to be a vet doctor.... they put me up as receptionist.
I have to wait till Dr. Carter
Retire from his job.... then they have to give me the lab coat.
But seeing Dr. Carter.... there is no chance he will retire soon😧😧

I parked my scooter in the parking lot and walked in the hospital. As I entered I could see Cathy near my table.
"Morning Cathy... "I wished her....

"Hey sil.... Good morning "she wished me back.

"What's new today"I asked giving her a hug.
"Oh.... usual cow... dog and some cats for test.... "she started giving me the list patients... Well animal patients list "and we got new neighbour "she said pointing to the building opposite to our building.
"Who is it.... "I asked her taking a glance at building......
It's rebuilt and got new paint job.

"Its some girl named Amanda... And her partner, they are starting a workshop there"she replied as I moved to my cabin.

The day was going as normal... when heard a bike's sound from the outside.
I took a glance as I saw a guy......
My heart was literally beating like drums the moment I saw him.
He is hot.... Well super hot.
He  has shiny black hair... black eye...And muscular structure..
My eye were taken away from him when I saw a girl with him.
Okay..... I feel kinda jealous..... very jealous...... especially when fact stand that I never had a boyfriend 😧😧.

I put chain on my thoughts and got my attention back to work.... but it didn't work.
Something makes me keep looking at him and I feel more jealous...

That's when I noticed the pendant on his chain that he wore around his neck.... it had a strange design. I have seen it before but.... I can't remmember where..

I hardly manages to get my attention back to work... And then i noticed that  the boy and girl and coming here.

They got in..... the girl came near me..... "Hey... I am Amanda and the owner of the workshop... opposite "she said shaking my hands but my eyes were completely on the guy and what shocked me was he was straing at me as i did...
Our eyes were completely on each other....
Amanda brought me back to my senses by waving her hand in front of my face....
"Oh... Sorry... I am Silviya....
Uh... I am the receptionist here"
I said taking look at the guy.....
He was still staring at me....

I put my hand forward to shake his..... my heart was beating fast my hand was getting sweating but still I put forward my hand...

He hesitantly put his hand forward..... when our hand touched.... ohh my god.... 😲😲😲
A shock wave went through my heart and I felt so happy.... I don't know why but I felt happy.

But suddenly he pull back his hand and place it on his head as  he was in pain...
"Are you.. ok.... "I didn't get to complete he give me a annoying look  And storms off to the workshop...


The moment I came to this new area ... something is making my senses mess up.... I didn't know it was this girl.... Sylvia...

The moment I entered the vet hospital.... my heart was beating fast and the vet hospital smelled like candy store.... later did I notice it was her smell....
It made me crazy..... she keeps staring at me and I did the same...

The moment our hands touched.... I felt something sharp went through my heart.... suddenly
I heard that voice inside my head....... The voice I never wanted to hear again....  the voice of my spirit..... RICK...

And he said the word which gave me another shock......
The word was.... "MATE..".
My head began to hurt like hell....
I can't hurt her or Amanda...... if i  stay.... something terrible will happen....
I looked at my mate..... in pain and left the hospital.

Okay  guys.. this story is for someone special...... 😉😉
Hope I didn't make a mess out of it....
If my way of writing is not helping You guyzz to understand..... p lzz comment
I would be more than happy to explain it... 😊😊
Hope you guyzz enjoy..

So why does Nathan wants to stay away from Sylvia..... check out in next chapter
And please forgive grammatical mistakes

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