Chapter 3 - Meeting the Lulabye's

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Chapter 3

Bianca had called me on the Monday to tell me about my apparent date with a boy called Elliot, she refused to show me any photos or let me stalk him on Facebook, complaining I would ruin the surprise.

I had lasted till Friday morning with saying "no" to another one of Bianca's blind dates and yet here I am sitting on the side of my bath with the sound of snipping scissors going on behind me.

I gulp as another piece of blonde hair fell to the ground and I looked up at Bianca with pleading eyes, she just stood in the bathroom doorway with a lunatic smile plastered on her face.

"Don't give me that look Lucy, Michael knows what he is doing! He is a professional after all." Michael coughed from behind me, "Okay training professional, but I have no doubt that he will be a marvelous job!" Bianca flashed Michael an award winning smile and I assumed he gave a warm one back.

It took a lot of arguing and yelling to finally get me to let Michael cut my hair but it was free, would help Michael with his hairdressing course and at the end of the day it is just hair. Yet I couldn't stop my palms from becoming slightly clammy at the constant 'snip snip'.

"Don't worry Luc I do know what I am doing I promise!" Michael said as he ran his hands through my hair shifting it in to place to look for missed hairs. I gave a shaky chuckle and felt the pieces of hair that had fell over my shoulder. I had always wanted to go short but often chickened out at the last minute, I gasped at the short feeling of my hair excepting my hand to run through it for longer.

"Lucy stop looking so worried and pay attention to what I am saying!" Bianca huffed and stomped one of her heels slightly. "Okay so I took the liberty of getting you a few things..." Bianca walked out of the bathroom and came back in holding two huge garbage bags, making my eyes widen, "Most of it is just old stuff from my cupboard that does not fit me as well as it would fit you, and there are a few bits in these bags that I may have bought you, just call it an early Christmas present!" I looked at Bianca gob smacked.

"B you shouldn't have! If you wanted to change my clothes so bad we could have gone shopping for something's, you didn't have to do this." I shock my head but not being able to stop the large grin appearing on my face. Even though it could be suggested that she was trying to change me it was also obvious that she was just looking out for me, and shopping just happened to be one of her biggest passions.

"Oh don't be silly! I wanted to do something nice for you, basically as payment for being such a great best friend and always getting me home after nights out." Bianca paused and had a bit of a smirk, "Even if you do manage to get me home with more bruises than I would have by getting home myself!" I laughed and held my hands up in surrender.

"Hey that's your fault for putting your faith and trust in me! You bring this on yourself!" With both giggled and stopped talking as Michael turned on the hair dryer. My butt had gone numb long ago considering the highlights Michael had spent an hour or so putting in to my hair earlier, and I was started to get really uncomfortable.

Fidgeting I waited until Michael was done drying and straighten my hair before standing and stretching my legs. Bianca who had been on her phone, probably texting Josh raced over to stand in front of me, looking down at my smaller frame and clapped her hands wildly while Michael took photos for his folio.

"Oh my gosh Michael you are incredible! Lucy you look amazing, so much more chic!" I went to turn around to look in the mirror but Bianca roughly grabbed my arms, "No, no! You're not allowed to look until I have done your makeup and got you dressed!" I groaned as I was rushed out of the bathroom saying a loud thank you to Michael as he cleaned up all the hair and his equipment.

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