"A human! They told another human about us! They must be punished! All the Cullens and the human must be eliminated." Caius roared.

As soon as those words left his mouth, I had him up against the wall behind our thrones, my hand around his neck, I viciously growled at him.

"You DARE say those things! You won't go near her! SHE'S MY MATE!" I roared at him.

Caius with wide eyes put both his hands up in surrender, startled at my possesivness over the girl, my beautiful girl, I'll be damned for eternity if I let anyone harm her.

"Calm brother, we'll go and deal with the Cullens, we'll take your mate back to Volterra with us. She is yours by law after all." Marcus said trying to calm me.

"You're right brother" I whispered and then said, louder "we depart tomorrow morning, prepare yourselves dear ones." I ordered as my mind trailed back to the girl.

"Brother!" Caius pulled me out of my thoughts once again "we cannot leave tomorrow, the guard's isn't prepared, we have no strategy, no witnesses!"

"I agree brother, although you wish to see your mate, we mustn't leave unprepared, the Olympic coven is quite a powerful one, no doubt they'll gather witnesses themselves" Marcus backed Caius up, he began to speak more than usual, it was odd behaviour from my brother, I knew he was right, we had to act rationally if we were to come out of this victorious.

"Indeed brothers, indeed" I mused. "Caius make sure they make the correct preparations, train up the lower guard and be sure to send Demetri out for witnesses" I exited the throne room, allowing my brothers to deal with everything as I prepared my room to somewhat house a human.


After explaining everything to the girls Allison seemed a bit off, she probably only needs time, there's practically a death sentence on both their heads but I doubt Renesmee would've caught on. I also explained about immortal children and the Volturi law.

"We're not immortal child, right mama?" Renemsee asked me to be sure.

"No you're not baby, no law has been broken, the Volturi are just looking for an excuse to kill innocent people" I assured.

"Why are you assuming the worst? Maybe it's all just a misunderstanding" ally snapped at me.

"You don't know them like I do Ally, trust me that's what they're like, so we must be prepared" I frowned at my daughter, unsure why she's been defending them this whole time.


Over the next few days we decided to gather witnesses as proof that Allison and renesmee weren't immortal children, maybe the Volturi would halt and listen if they saw big numbers. Alice and Jasper have left us.


Days turned to weeks as everyone went out, gathering as much vampires as they could, weather they were nomads or whole covens, we ended up housing a lot of vampires.

Senna and Zafrina from the Amazon Coven came, Zafrina has the power of visual projection, she could make you see whatever she wanted.

Our Cousin the Denali Coven, Eleazar, Carmen, Kate and Tanya. Everyone apart from Irina. Eleazar with the power of knowing what powers other vampires have, Kate could make you fall on your knees with one touch, shocking you.

The Egyptian Coven, Amun, Kebi, Benjamin and Tia. Benjamin could control all four elements, water, earth, fire and wind.

The Irish coven, Maggie, Siobhan and Liam. Maggie could sense if someone was lieing and Siobhan had an outcome manipulation power, she could visualize the outcome she desired and project it into reality. Although she didn't believe she had that power Carlisle Belived she did.

The Romanian Coven, Stefan and Vladimir, wanting revenge on the Volturi for centuries, they were uninvited but we were grateful for the help.

A few nomads also showed up, Garrett and Jasper's old friends, Letter and Charlotte. Alistair showed up aswell, although he didn't have much desire to stay. He had the power of Tracking, not as strong and powerful as the Volturi's guard, Demetri but still powerful enough.

They were all there to witness the growth of my two daughters but Edward has asked them to fight by our side if it came down if it, most agreed but there was a few that refused, I couldn't blame them, I would mean giving up their life but I knew I'd do it a thousand times, they were my daughter after all.

I readied the girls for the battle, packing them fake IDs, money, a phone with all our contacts in it and a top up by 50 dollars, some photos and many other things, to make sure they survived. If it came down to a fight I wanted my two girls to live. I wouldn't let anything happen to them, I wouldn't let anyone take them away from me or anyone harm them, my two babies.

We spent the night talking by the campfire, telling each other battle stories and truly appreciating what we have, knowing that when morning came we could loose it all. I put the girls to sleep, telling them that I love them, giving them each a unique locked, Renesmee's was gold with french words Nous vous aimerons toujours -maman et papa (We will always love you -mom and dad)

Allison's locket was Silver with the Italian words Ci sarà sempre ti amo -mamma e papà
(we will always love you -mom and dad)

I wanted them to have something to have something so they could always remember Edward and I. I was prepared to die for them tomorrow.


As we travelled through many countries and swam through an ocean, there was too many of use to take our private jet, running wasn't a problem, we didn't get tired and it gave many witnesses time to join our forces but through all of this my thoughts never felt my mate, she captured my every thought, plagued my mind. I couldnt get rid of her and I didn't want to either, countless scenarios of her reaction once we meet, what'll happen when we return to Volterra but coming closer and closer to the town of Forks in which the Cullens currently lived in I knew I had to guard  my thoughts from Edward, he couldn't know that one of the Cullens was my Mate, not yet but soon I'll let everyone know, everyone know who my mate is, so nobody touches her, apart from me. She'll be mine and only mine.

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