Back To You

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         “ZAYN!  GET!  UP!”  My bed shifted and squeaked with the weight of two boys jumping on either side of me. My eyes peeled open to see Louis and Niall doing exactly that. 

         “Stop it.  I hate you both!” I said over their loud laughter and screaming.

         “Boys, out.” A calm yet stern voice sounded from the doorway.

         “Fine.  Dad!" Niall grumbled, stomping out the room.

         Bless you Liam.

         “Zayn we’re recording today, you have to get up.”

         “Fine,” I sighed, stumbiling out of bed.  Liam left me to change, telling me to meet them all downstairs  in 10 minutes.  I agreed, relieved to be alone again.  I changed into black skinny jeans, a band T-Shirt, a flannel, and a jean jacket.  I decided that instead of doing the usual quiff, I would gel it off to the side.  New, I liked it. 

         I was just leaving my hotel room when my phone started buzzing.  I looked down at the caller, answering after the first few rings.

         “Hey Jade.”

         “Hey babes!  How have you been?”

         “Alright.  Tired, I’m sorry I didn’t call you yesterday.  We’ve been recording the new album.”

         “Zayn I get it.  I have good news actually!”

         "Zayn, we're waiting!" Paul scolded loud enough for Jade to hear.

           “Listen, baby, I’ve got to go.  Paul and the boy’s are waiting.  I’ll talk to you later.”

         “Okay.  Love you.”

         “Love you, too.  Bye Jade.”

         Only after we had gotten to the studio did I see the other missed call.  This one from… Perrie Edwards?

         “Hey you alright Zayn?” Harry asked.

         I looked up from my phone, startled.  “Yeah, Haz.  I’m fine,”  My eyes zeroed back down to my phone, my thumb hovering over the call button.

         “Yeah, no.  You’re not,” Suddenly he grabbed my phone out of my hands, a reached over to grab it from him.  But he had seen what he wanted to anyway.

         “Zaynie!” He squealed with a teasing grandma voice, “You’re so adorable when you're nervous.”

         “Shut up!” I said, trying to hide the blush on my cheeks.

         He turned the phone towards me, smiling wickedly.  Perrie’s number was already dialing.  He threw the phone at me and started running around the room.  I ran after him until I heard her angelic voice on speaker phone.

         “Hello?” She sounded confused and a bit wary.  How much had she heard???

         “Hello?” I panted, my voice sounding a bit rough and out of breath from chasing Harry.  He was gone by now, I took the phone off speaker and pulled it to my ear.

         Our conversation started off a bit rocky and awkward, but the weirdness soon disintegrated.  Soon enough we were laughing and joking like old times.  I had never heard her so happy before and I couldn’t explain how happy that made me.  All the feelings I thought I buried six months ago came back full force.  What have I been doing without this girl?

And I don't get waves of missing you anymore,

They're more like tsunami tides in my eyes


         “Sorry Pez, zoned for a second.  What were you saying?”

         “Well if I’m that boring than I’ll just leave you alone!” She teased in her diva voice.  I thought it was so cute; I giggled.

         I freaking giggled.

         Her laughter sounded from the other end of the line, “Does Zayn Malik find me amusing?”

         “Of course.  You’re really quite funny,” I heard her giggle this time. 

         “Thanks Zayn,” She sounded quiet and sincere.

         “Hey, where are you staying now?”

         “I moved house, but still in London.  Why?”

         “Well we’re going to be performing at the O2 Arena in a coupe of weeks and  I was wondering if you wanted to come,” I tried my best to cover the shakiness in my voice.  How could you feel so comfortable with someone one second and then so nervous the next?  I’m so confused.

         “I would love to, Zayn!” She sounded so excited, but soon her voice dropped and she said, “I don’t have the money.  I’m a waitress at a cheap, family restaurant.”

         “Hey, I know a secret,” I said very quietly, whispering as if it was crucial no one heard me.

         “What?” She asked, whispering as well.

         “I know one of the members of One Direction,” She caught on doing a girly scream.

         “Oh Meh Gawd, shut up!”

         “Yeah, the ethnic looking one with the blonde streak,” I stopped whispering, my voice going back to normal.  “He says he misses you.”

         She paused, a little taken aback before saying, “Tell him I miss him, too.”

         A knock on the door halted out conversation.  “I have to go.  We’re recording today.  See you at O2.”

         “Can't wait!  Bye, Zayn.”

         “Bye," I put my phone in my pocket and rejoined the boys in the studio.


I really didn't have time to edit so I'm sorry if this is rough.  Have a lovely day and stay awesome!!!!

Dedicated to @swaggy_bishh Thank you for the support.  I love and appreciate every read, vote, etc.  I probably would've given up on this story without you guys. 

Jade Regardless ♡ Zerrie ♡Where stories live. Discover now