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{Okay. I know I said that I wouldn't post anymore today, but ZANEMAU__4LYFE insisted that I post one more. So here's probably the cutest chapter that I have written!}

=Your Perspective=

The party died down soon after that. People started leaving around 11:00, so it was just Mark, Amy, Felix, Marzia, Alexis, Marco, Jack and I. We tidied up the place and kind of talked for a bit because none of us really wanted to leave. I was in the middle of a conversation with Alexis about Marco, she won't stop talking about him, when I had a great idea.

"Guys! I thought of something that we can do!" I told everyone.

"What is it? We are tired of talking about feet!" Mark said, without thinking.

"Wha-? Nevermind. I was thinking that we could play Truth or Dare!" I explained.

"YUS! I LOVE THAT GAME!" Alexis screamed in my ear, almost making me go deaf.

"Looks like we're playing Truth or Dare then!" Felix chuckled.

"Okay," I started, as everyone stared sitting in a circle, "I'll go first."

I looked around the room trying to find my first victim.

"MARK! Truth or Dare." I asked, startling everyone.

"Dare, cause I'm a man." He stated, flexing his muscles.

"Amy, stop drooling." Alexis laughed, making everyone else laugh, too.

"I'm not drooling!" She yelled, wiping her face.

"Suurree." Alexis replied.

"QUIET EVERYONE! I still have to aks Mark a question."

"Then go!" Marco encouraged.

"Mark, I dare you to go out the door and scream 'I am woman, hear me roar!' and then roar." I finished.

"Okay." He got up and walked to the door. He opened it and screamed "I AM WOMAN, HEAR ME ROAR!" Then he meowed like a cat, and we all burst out laughing.

He walked back to us with a smile full of triumph.

"Your turn, Mark." Marzia told him.

"Jack. Truth or Dare!" Mark stated, looking at Jack.

"Why me?! I've been quiet this whole time!" Jack huffed.

"Exactly, that's why I chose you!" Mark's face was full of evil.

"Fine, but I'm picking truth." Jack groaned.

"You're no fun!" Mark jokingly-grumbled, crossing his arms.

"MARK!" I interrupted.


"Ask him."

"Oh, yeah!" That made all of us laugh. " Jack, do you like someone in this room?"

"Yes..." He mumbled, looking down and blushing.

"Kay, your turn." Mark grinned.


We were probably near the end of our game. I had gotten a lot of dares and questions. So did Jack. Here were all the ones that I got:

Truth: Do you like someone in this room?

Answer: Yes.

Dare: I dare you to do a plank for two minutes.

Outcome: I lasted 50 seconds.

Dare: I dare you to find the first thing in the fridge here and eat it.

Outcome: I ate a slice of mushroom pizza. I hate mushrooms. {For the plot}

Truth: Do you like someone that is sitting beside you?

Jack and Marco were sitting next to me.

Answer: Yes...

Dare: I dare you to sit on the person to your left's lap for the next two rounds.

Outcome: Jack was on my left.

Truth: Is your crush in a relationship currently?

Answer: No.

We all decided that each person would get one last question. That meant that there were no more dares. I was the last to get asked, and it was Jack's turn.

"(Y/N)." He stated, while I could see literally everyone fangirling.

"Yes?" I asked, innocently.

"Do you have a crush on me?" He asked, as I felt my cheeks get warm, again.

"Yes..." I mumbled, looking down.

"Good." He said, and I could tell from his voice that he was smiling. "I like you, too."

I instantly heard everyone squeal with happiness, as I wrapped my arms around Jack's neck, possibly squeezing the life out of him. I was so happy, this was my perfect moment. We both reluctantly pulled away and just looked into each other's eyes.

"(Y/N), will you be my girlfriend?" Jack asked.

"Yes." I smiled, nodding before hugging him again.

"CUPID-ALEXIS DID IT!!" Alexis yelled, running around the room. "I DID IT!!" She suddenly stopped "Oh my god, I did it." She just looked at us in shock.

I pulled away from Jack's hug and I ran over to Alexis. The circle broke apart quickly, the guys going over to Jack, while all of the girls came over to jump around and squeal with me.


HEEYYY!!! Cute, right? It took 15 chapters, but you are finally together with Jack!! And I helped it happen! {If you didn't already know, I'm Alexis. XD}

Hope you had/are having a CUTE-FILLED day!

Okay, I should go now.


Fangirl over a chapter I wrote,

Bobby <3

798 words

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