Chapter 1: The New Girl

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Monday: Rose's Pov

I got up around 5:45 to get dressed and ready to go. I put on my shades to hide my eyes from people. I hated my eyes. They caused me do much trouble. "Rose, time to go!" Called my mother. "Coming!" I called back. I grabbed my bag and raced down the stairs. Mom drives me to school before going to work.

We got in and she drove me there. I met up with Leandre and Heather. We chatted for a while before someone shouted, "There's a New student coming today!!" That got the school worked up. I sighed in annoyance. "It'll probably be some mean girl or jerk of a guy to taunt us..." muttered Leandre.

My friends and I were bullied alot but we didn't seem to care. We were used to it by now. The bell rang for first period and we headed to class. Our mom's made sure we got the same classes together. So we walk together the entire day. Once we go to our class. We sat down in our seats.

Our first class is math with Mr. Darg. "Alright class, let's get started well be having-" Mr. Darg was cut off by a knock on the door. He walked over and opened it. "Excuse me...are you Mr. Darg?" Asked a female voice. "Why yes I am. Are you the new student?" He asked her. "Yes sir, I am" she replied.

"Well come on in!" He said, letting the girl in. Everyone was anxious to know what she looked like. Once she stepped through that door. I was in love. The new girl had bright blue hair, pink eyes, a blue t-shirt and blue shorts with white tennis shoes. I heard Heather snicker. "Looks like you like her" she said to me. I elbowed her, "quiet you"

"Hi everyone...I'm Chrys Stargazer..." she said to us. "Wait wait! Like the stargazer? The family that owns a toy company, has a pop star and a singer?" Asked a student. Chrys nods, "yes. That's would be my mom, sister and cousin." "Ms. Stargazer, please sits beside Ms. Bloom back there." Said Mr. Darg.

I raised my hand so she knows who I am. She grins and walks over to me and sits beside me. We have free time so I poked at Chrys. "Hi Chrys...I'm Rose..." I said to her. She looked at me and smiled, "Nice to meet you, cool shades" "o-oh thanks..." I said blushing a bit. Some students walked over to talk to her.

I noticed she was getting overwhelmed by this. "Guys, leave her alone. Your overwhelming her..." I said. A girl scoffed, Ash, the cheerleader squads leader, "mind your own buisness weirdo" I saw Chrys's eye twitch slightly. She stood up and faced Ash. "Don't you dare call her that again" Chrys said in anger.

"Why can't I? She's a freak of nature with those eyes of hers." She shot back. I winched and looked down. "I'd like to see proof." Said Chrys. I looked up and saw her looking at me. "Let me see your eyes rose" said Chrys. I breathed out and take off my shades. I opened my eyes and looked at her.

"See? She's a freak of nature!" Shouted ash. The other students except for Heather and Leandre agreed. Chrys however leaned closer to my face. "So what's your opinion about them?" Asked Ash. "Aren't they just so strange and evil?" Asked a boy. I waited for another rude comment but from Chrys.

"No" said Chrys calmly. I looked at her, she was smiling. "I think her eyes are beautiful..."

So Until Next Time My Cartoon Army!!!


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