Up in a Tower

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          I have been stuck in a tower for a week. I am fresh out of food and water, plus it doesn't help that I am scared of heights. The first day I yelled for help but my voice went hoarse and I couldn't yell anymore. Also I am too far away from any human civilization for people to be walking by all the time.
You're probably wondering why I am up here in the first place. Well, I was just walking in the woods 7 days ago, I was heading to the far human market in Ellburgh. I was going to meet a man named Theo. I wanted to see to see if he had an ancient man machine called a 'battery'. But as I was walking, this ginormous bird snatched me off the ground and brought me up to its nest, probably to eat me. When it flew away I realized that its nest was on top of a tower. I climbed down the side of the tower to an open window, almost falling and killing myself twice, and I have been here since then.
I had fallen into a small room. It was creepy, there was an old pile of hay across from the window, and that was it. Only a pile of hay and a window, no door or stairs. I stood up and turned around.
"I guess the only way down is to climb." I looked down out the window, I was easily a hundred feet off the ground. I dropped down and leaned against the wall. "Great, it's the library all over again!" I yelled. "Maybe someone will come by and help me down." I crawled under the window sill and peeked over the edge, the sight down made me dizzy. I squeezed my eyes shut. "HELP! SOMEONE! CAN SOMEONE HELP ME!" I kept yelling and yelling, and that's when I lost my voice.
I had rationed the little food and water I had in my backpack that I had for my journey to Ellburgh. I wrote on some parchment I had in my backpack and folded them into what ancient man called a 'paper airplane'. I had found a book on how to fold them when I was five and became a master at throwing them. I threw them out of the tower window, but no one has came. So I am assuming that they have gotten stuck in trees, or people think that some kid is messing with them. I am not really a master at throwing them anymore. Today all I have done is sit against the window and hoped that someone comes and finds me, or that food and water will magically appear. But thankfully the giant bird hasn't been back to find that its food has disappeared, some other creature must have eaten it. Then I started to hear singing, I must be going crazy.
"Down by the river where the flowers grow,
My family waits for me.
All the trees that I do know,
Come alive to greet thee."
It was a girl, singing. I carefully peered out the window to below.
"Bum bum,
Welcome my friends."
She had a beautiful voice.
"Bum bum,
Where the river ends.
Bum bum,
Come follow me.
Bum bum,
Where magic is free.
The trees will wake,
And we will shake.
The earth with our beautiful song!"
She came skipping into the clearing as she sang the last lines. I recognized her, the dark tan skin, even darker hair. It was the girl from the library, maybe she would help me.
"Hey! Hey dryad girl!" I yelled. She looked up at me.
"Oh. Great. It's you." She said. "My name is Dani for your information. What do you want?" She yelled.
"I am stuck up here. Do you think you could help me down?"
"Hmmm, let me think about it. NO!" She yelled then she ran out of the clearing.
"Great! That's just great! Thanks for the help!" I yelled sarcastically out the window. I slumped down onto the floor of the tower. "I am going to starve to death up here." I closed my eyes and rested my head on my backpack, maybe I will have a good dream.
I woke up, it was nighttime. But it wasn't dark in the room, as my vision cleared I saw a candle sitting on the floor. "What?"
An object came flying out of the darkness that the candle light didn't reach, it hit me in the face. "Ow! What in the world?"
"Stop yelling!" A voice hissed, it came from across the room.
I backed up against the wall. "Who are you? Show your self!"
"I said stop yelling!" The voice hissed again, a girl came out of the dark and into the candle light. It was the dryad girl.
"Oh. It's just you." I said, annoyed. Now she wanted to talk to me. "Why are you here?"
"To rescue you from this tower idot." She said. "Just eat the stupid loaf of bread I brought for you."
I looked at the ground in front of me, there was a small loaf of bread sitting there. "Uh, thanks?"
"You're welcome." She said, sternly.
I ripped the small loaf in half, and stuffed some in my mouth. I'm starving. I looked at the other half then at the girl. She was sitting with her arms around her legs, she hid half of her face behind her knees. She wore shoes of black leather.
"Uh - um. Would you like some dryad girl?" I asked, I forgot her name. I feel so awkward.
"My name is Dani." She said sternly. Then reached out and took the bread out of my hand. "Thanks."
"Uh - you have a very beautiful singing voice." I said, awkwardly trying to make conversation.
"You heard me?" She said, her cheeks turned a green shade. She must be blushing.
"Um - Yes?" I said.
We sat in silence for what felt like forever until she got up.
"Come on Rapunzel, time to get you out of this tower." She said walking over to the window.
I stood up and put my backpack on. "My name is Edwin, not Rapunzel."
"Whatever, lets just get out of here." She said.
I walked over to the window and stood next to her. "Did you bring a rope?"
"Well that's super helpful! How are we going to get down? Is a magical moving staircase just going to appear out of nowhere?!" I yelled, she came up here with nothing to get down. How stupid was she? Suddenly the trees started moving. One by one they moved their branches so they formed a staircase from the window to the ground. "Wow." I said, amazed at what just happened. A magical moving staircase did appear out of nowhere.
"Is this good enough for you?" She said madly. Then she stepped out of the window and started walking down the tree branches. I ran down the branches to catch up with her. I'm surprised that she wasn't stomping. Considering how mad she was.
"That was amazing. How did you do that?" I asked.
"I'm half dryad, remember?" She said. I looked at her, she looked very mad.
"Why did you come rescue me?"
"Because my dad made me." She said as she stepped off the last branch.
"Oh," I looked back at the trees as I stepped off, they had all moved back to where they were just a moment ago. "Thank you." I said as I turned back to her, but she was gone.
I looked down at the ground, there was a hunk of wood sitting there. It had the same writing on it as the first one that hit me in the head weeks ago.
"Stop getting into trouble. I don't need someone to look after.
I looked into the dense forest, the rising sun was starting to shine through the trees now. "Thanks!" I yelled, then I looked back down at the wood in my hand. "Dani." I smiled.

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