Chapter 4

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"I think I know who it is!" Kisses suggestively wiggles her eyebrows.

"And who might that be?"

"Edward Barber, duh? Didn't he say that you guys are going to start on your biographies? Today?"

I face palm myself. Why would Edward just leave? Why didn't he just wait for us to come and get him? We could've been working on our assignments right now. I guess he just really doesn't want to do this assignment.

"Right, of course," I finally answer Kisses even though she's already went up the stairs.

I slowly close the door and walk back up the stairs to hear the doorbell ringing again. Before my mind can process what was going on, I was already by the door, opening it to see no other than Edward Barber.

"Hi," I smile.

"Hey, sorry. It probably looked like I ditched you but I just... had, uh something, uh-" he stutters.

"It's okay, Edward," I laugh. "Come on in."

He does as his told and takes his shoes off, that's the way! My lola comes into view and wipes her hands on the apron she is currently wearing. She walks over to where Edward and I were standing, just beneath the stairs.

"Hello po, my name is Edward po and I'm sorry po if I'm disturbing your cooking," he extends his hand out to mano. (A/N: Mano or Pagmamano is a gesture used in Filipino culture performed as a sign of respect to elders and as a way of accepting a blessing from the elder. Similar to hand-kissing, the person giving the greeting bows towards the offered hand of the elder and presses his or her forehead on the elder's hand).

"Slow down with your po's," my lola laughs. "May, this is the guy that was here earlier," she gives me a glance then her eyes went back to Edward. "And don't be silly dear, I was just about done. I really just wanted to officially meet the Ding-Dong-Ditch-er or Ring-and-Run-er," she winks at him.

"Oh sorry po if you thought it was like that po," he chuckles nervously.

Where has this bad boy act he had going on go?

"It's okay, apo," my lola laughs before scurrying back to the kitchen, muttering something to herself.

"Well, that was overwhelming," Edward sighs.

I just smiled because I didn't really have anything to say. I walked leaving him behind but it didn't take long for him to catch up. I took my time getting up the stairs and Edward just took the stairs by two. Show off.

I lead him to the study room, where it's kinda like my own classroom except much better — with snacks and drinks just by the corner of the room. "Here we are, you can walk inside now. I'll get something from my room, I won't be long," I said and he just nods.

I opened the door to my room to be bombarded with questions from Kisses who was hanging upside down  from the side of the bed.

"What took you so long? Who were you talking to? Has Edward arrived? Why didn't you call me over? Are yous starting your biographies now?" And much more questions.

"Kisses," ignored. "Kisses," ignored once again. "Kisses!!" I scream and she falls off the bed.

"What was that for?" She pouts.

"You wouldn't stop questioning me! I promise I'll answer them later but right now make yourself at home because I will be busy, okay?"

"Sure thing, this is basically my room too anyway," she laughs.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 18, 2017 ⏰

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