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Marydale Entrata, known as Maymay, is a quirky 17 year old girl who, despite of all the troubles in life, finds the positive and great things in everything she does. After recently breaking up with her ex, Benjamin Cruz, Maymay promises herself not to date or even think about boys at all. But will this change after she meets the new transfer, Edward Barber?

"Who's Edward Barber?" you may ask? Well, simple. Edward Barber is the guy who plans on destroying everything and everyone that comes his way. Yep, you guessed it. He's THE bad boy. After transferring schools for the 7th time, Edward meets the quirky Maymay. At first he only had one thing in mind — ruining Marydale's life. (Not that it isn't already ruined).

As time passes by, Edward didn't see it coming but he was falling for Maymay and he was falling hard. He's plan went down the drain as he tries to be good for Maymay, but she's not having it.

He wants and needs her. She wants nothing more than friendship. What will change? 


                                   Loving Marydale


⚠️ This is a Fan-fiction so the character's personality might not be the same as their real personality. Secondly, Maymay's ex who I named Benjamin Cruz doesn't exist in Maymay's real life. ⚠️

Please DO NOT copy my book at all because I WILL NOT be too happy about it. If you think you can just copy this and get away with it then you better think again.

Another thing — you might find my book super cliche but hey I'm not sorry. I'm also not saying that you shouldn't read my book, oh no no. I'm just warning you and telling you that it's super cliche but you should still give it a go yanno. Because you might actually like it.

Buuuutt anyways, I love you all and hope that you enjoy reading this book!! Xoxox

Loving Marydaleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें