"You're not going anywhere in that..."

"Would you rather it be red?"


"Skin tight?"


"A few inches shorter?"


"Then stop acting like I'm going out half naked!"

"You didn't let me finish." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. "Mom and Dad called."

"Mom and Dad?"

"Well, just Mom. She informed me you asked to go on vacation with them." He twirled his pen around on the desk. "Are you tired of me already?"

"Well considering you asked me to pee in a cup the night I got here..."

"I'm just trying to protect you."

"You're trying to keep me from living my life."

"The previous time you were busy 'living your life', you sunk yourself into a hole you barely clawed your way out of." He gave me a bitter smile. "Me controlling it doesn't sound like a bad idea."

"It is when I get arrested because you forgot to have one of your cronies leave me a parking space. You owe Rey five hundred bucks by the way."

"I've already paid him back. You're staying in tonight. No drinking and if one of my "cronies" catch you with one in your hand then I'll lock you in your room until the end of the summer."

"I'm an addict, Vin. I know better than to drink."

"I'm not talking because you're an addict. I said it because you're diabetic."

"Diabetics drink, niño. You know that, right? They even have a section of AA just for us disease ridden people."

He glared at me. "Do as I say, not as I do. If you were stable and on your regimen then I would allow you a drink or two but since it's been a little stressful..."

"You mean since you got me arrested..."

He continued to glare at me. "...no drinking. I'll even put a guy on you just to follow you around all night if I have to."

"Poor dumb bastard. I'm pretty sure when he signed up to be in your dog pack, he didn't imagine himself babysitting the boss's little sister."

"I'm sure he'll make do. Dom!"

My brother's faithful best friend walked through the open door. "Boss."

"Do we have anyone available that would be willing to trail Elina for the night?"

"Ah..." he scratched the back of his neck. And to think these men were supposed to be hardcore. To me they were as soft as warm caramel. "The thing about that..."

"Spit it out."

"They're all afraid you'll break their faces if they even look at her." He shrugged. "You put the fear of god in them, Boss. What did you expect?"

Vin's head dropped back and groaned. "Is there no one in my employ who is capable?"

"You should just let me go out. I won't get in any trouble. I promise."

"No." Brief smile. "Nice try. You'll just have to hang out with us low lives or stay in your room for the night. Your call."

"You're so boring."

"Be nice to me."

"Or you'll what?" I glared at him. "Keep me from getting a date. Oh wait, you already did that."

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