Chapter 3- His house?

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Im falling for your eyes,
But they don't know me yet.


''Can you get me some beer?''


It's Friday and me and the boys are going out tonight and unfortunately that means we are meeting up with Emma and her friends. Emma is this girl in the first year and don't get me wrong she is a nice person over all but she is also annoying, very annoying. So this isn't really the way I want to spend my Friday night. I'm only doing it for the lads to be honest because they seriously need to get laid. As soon as possible. I know how I want to spend my night but I don't have a chance in that department.



''Sorry Isak, I am at work.''


I hopped onto the bus sighing annoyed as I now have to meet with Emma and her friends with no alcohol to keep me satisfied. 'Halla' I hear a familiar voice speak, who seemed as if they were talking to me. I look side-up gradually to analyse who it was and that's when I saw him. Even. Standing right in front of me, actually noticing my presence.

SPEAK ISAK SPEAK! 'Hei' I reply nervously. Come on Isak. Your better than this, you can talk to anyone easily? I have to think of something to say. Just something. One thing.

'Great conversation' He chuckled. Fuck Now I have made an idiot out of myself, I laughed awkwardly in response. A sense of red were creeping upon my cheeks, I could feel it, that is all I need for goodness sake. I don't understand why there was such a lack of thought in my bra- 'Your 18 right?' I asked, probably not the best question I could've came out with but this could be of help to me.

'Yeah, why?' 'Would you be able to get me drink?' With that he smiled nodding, as the bus pulled to the stop outside the shop we both jumped off, me trailing behind Even like a lost boy.

'Two secs' He took the money from my hands and strolled casually into the shop. 2 minutes passed and he came back out empty handed. 'I must of left my ID at home, coming? Does that mean? Did he? Am I going to his house? Oh my god, I'm going to Even's house.

Hi guys! Sorry I haven't updated in so long, I took some time for myself and my coursework as I was behind a little. However I am back now and will try to update as much as I can as I hate letting you all down. Another chapter will be up tomorrow! Just because it's been so long. Thanks for the support:) X

kiss me|| evakOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora