"What's wrong, Becky?" Amber walks out with a towel on her head,

"Oh, nothing." Rebecca waves and fakes a smile.

"Come on, I know it's not nothing." Amber nudges her so her hip. "Now tell me."

"It's really nothing. Just a thought."

"I like your thoughts." Marilyn smiles.

"I want to hear this." Kimberly says.

"Fine. Do you really want to know what I think?" Becca snaps.

"Yeah." Amber leans against the kitchen island. "What is it?"

"Well, me and Will... We, uh.." She clears her throat and raises her eyebrows.

"Oh!" Kimberly nods.

"What?" Marilyn asks. Kimberly hits her in the arm and whispers something in her ear. "Oh!"

"Go on." Amber motions to Rebecca.

"So, we did that, and now I think I just might be...." She gulps and clutches her abdomen. "Pregnant."

The room goes completely silent.

"I guess we'll find out at the hospital today." Kimberly whispers.

"Will you all go with me?" Rebecca looks at them, her eyes misty.

"Yeah, of course." Marilyn nods.

"Good. But... What if I am? What do I do about Will?" Rebecca chokes on his name.

"I don't know, but... You can't go back to him." Amber puts her arms around her sister.

The phone rings and Kimberly pats Rebecca's back as picks it up. "Hello?" She smiles a little after a minute.

"Oh, hello Ringo. You want to come over?" She looks at Rebecca, who nods. "Yeah, sure. But we have to go somewhere at two." She frowns. "Nowhere. See you soon, bye!" Then she hangs up.

"They're all coming?" Marilyn sighs.

"Yeah. I suppose we can't tell them until we know for sure." Kim leans next to Amber. 

"What would Ringo think if me?" Rebecca suddenly bawls.

"Sweetie, he wouldn't think any less of you." Amber comforts her. "And if he does..."

"He's not worth your time, anyway." Kimberly finishes.

"Exactly." Amber nods.

"I-I guess you're right." Rebecca sniffles. "Just don't let them know. They can't know yet."

"You don't even know yet." Marilyn reminds her.

Rebecca smiles, that tiny bit of hope enough for her. "It's not that I don't want a baby, I do. It's just... I didn't want one this way."

"I know what you mean." Kimberly pats her back. "When me and Amber were attacked before the concert we went to... Well, I thought they'd get us. That they'd do things to us. And that was a possibility."

"I'm hungry." Becca stands up and goes into the kitchen. She wipes tears off her face as she looks into the refrigerator. "I want orange juice." She says, taking out the jug. Amber hands her a glass, and she pours it.

"Don't hurt yourself." Marilyn chuckles as she chugs down the juice.

"Pulp. Get pulp next time." She pants, setting the cup down.

"They're here." Marilyn calls, looking out the door. The bell rings, and Kimberly walks to it.

"Kimmy!" Paul pulls her into a hug.

She pushes him away and holds out her hand. He frowns, and shakes it.

"Hello, Kimberly." John bows, making Kimberly laugh. 

"Just call me Kim."

"Ooh, orange juice." George sees the jug in the kitchen counter and walks to it.

"Hello to you, too, Harrison." Amber laughs. She walks in front of the counter and he hugs her. "You're cold." She says, pulling away.

"I was just outside." He reminds her, hugging her again.

"Where's the puppy?" Ringo asks, walking into the kitchen.

Amber pulls back a little from George, but doesn't quite let him go. "Exactly where the puppy was last time, Ringo."

"Little Ringo is so cute!" He picks the small dog up and scratches behind his ears.

"I don't even know if it's a boy yet." Amber smiles.

"Looks like one to me." Ringo says matter-of-factly. 

"I think it's a girl." Marilyn stands next to him.

"So do I." Rebecca chimes in.

"It's is a boy!" Ringo protests.

"I bet it's a boy." John laughs.

"And I think it's a girl!" Paul holds up his index finger.

"You want to bet on it?" John smirks.

"How much?" Paul takes out his wallet. 

"You are not betting money in my house!" Amber yells. George laughs, and since they're still pressed together, Amber's stomach tickles. "Stop that."

"Fine. We'll bet when we get back to the house." John grumbles.

"I think I'll be buying meself a new guitar when this is over." Paul grins.

"We'll just have to wait and see." George smiles, but he's looking straight into Amber's eyes.

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