Chapter 1

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          Waking up to the date February 14th on my phone screen will be just another reminder that I'm the only one in this entire world who is not in a relationship.

maybe I'm over exaggerating but still, it
sure does feel that way. Everyone else has their "significant other" wrapped up in their arms on such a special day and I'm envious.

Not to mention, but Valentine's Night is coming up.

Valentine's Night is a party thrown every year for those celebrating their love for each other. Which is something I crave, being loved unconditionally. Although, attending the Valentine's Night party would be an added bonus. I just want to meet that special someone, the love of my life, the guy of my dreams.

phone rings


"Good morning, Adeline!"

It's Kooper, calling at 7:46am on the dot.

"Hey, Kooper, what's up?"

"You'll never believe this, Ade."

"I'm listening."

"I just got two tickets to visit an old museum."

Sometimes, I really question his stupidity.

"Oh, uh. That's great, Kooper."

"Yeah, I know. Would you be willing to go with me?"

Kooper Duran has been my best friend since preschool. He's a "no-love-life" loser like me. It works out great when wanting to spend time with the opposite sex. We've known each other for so long. I just know he'd never go for me, which is a good thing.

Back in preschool he wouldn't talk to me for a whole month due to the fact that he thought I had "cooties." But little did he know I told him I had cookies, not cooties. I swear even back then he was an idiot.

"Sure, I'd love to."

"Awesome, it's on the 14th."


"Well, I should let you sleep. Since it is a Saturday."

"Thanks, buddy."

"Talk to you later?"

"Duh, good night."

As I hang up the phone and lay back in bed with only twenty seconds of my eyes being closed, I hear my mother call for me.

"Adeline! Honey, are you up?"


Can a teenage girl get some sleep in this house?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2017 ⏰

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