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Queen of Norway

I watch the outside from my balcony window, looking for nothing in particular. The wind blows the trees outside and a leaf is pushed up against the window. My reflection is highlighted by the leaf and suddenly there is two of me, one slightly younger looking. "Good morning mother." Chrystal said. I turned and embraced her in a welcoming hug. "I missed you so much." I said as I pulled back. She lightly giggled, "I missed you too mother. Where is father? I didn't get to see him when I got back last night." She said.
"He might be in the garden, you know how he is in the mornings." I whispered the last part like it was a secret. She nodded and kissed me on the cheek. "I'll see you at breakfast."she said and walked out.

I sighed and walked back to the window. Chrystal had gone to America to deal with import and export problems. Since she was getting older we decided to give her some responsibility. I look down to the garden and see my husband and my daughter sitting on a bench. Chrystal's head was leaning on her fathers shoulder and they both took a deep breath and relaxed.

The sound of curtains sliding back and sunlight breaking through woke me up. I squint my eyes and sit up. Slipping on my slippers I go straight to the bathroom and get ready for the day and my maids and servants help around me. Once I'm ready I walk to the dinning room and sit at the table to wait for my husband. The doors open and I glance up, expecting to see my husband, but instead I see me, the second me from my dream. My eyes widen and I stand up. One of the guards from the door and two other men are standing by her.

No words are said, and it seems like we are all holding our breath. I slowly make my way to them, the table beside me stretched for miles. My knees wobble and my heart is so loud I'm sure they can hear it. Is it really her? Or is reality playing a trick on me?

Time seems to freeze and I gulp down my fears and finally stop in front of them. Instinctively my shaky hand rises up and cups my daughters cheek. A tear slips away and she leans into my touch. I let out my breath and remember the last time I saw my daughter.

She was about four and a half and I had just put her to bed. She snuggled into her stuffed horse that she took everywhere with her. I remember the sinking feeling I got when she wasn't there the next morning only a note. I was destroyed, broken.

But now, now she is all grown up. Her small little hands are now the size of mine and instead of below my knees, she's an inch taller than me. Her light hazel eyes, the one thing she got from her father, tell me she's had hard times. I shake more, and I slide my hand from her face to her arm and pull her into a welcoming embrace.

She pulled away,"Th-that's it? You believe that I'm actually your daughter? No questions?" The surprise that laced her voice made me sick. "Of course I do. I don't know how but I know your my daughter." I reassured her. She sucked in a breath and introduced me to her friends. "Oh um, this is Braden, he's my best friend, he's the only one that cared for me. And this is Robbie, he's a high-tech computer guy that helped us get here." She said pointing to both of the men. I nodded my head and smiled politely.

"Oh, you must meet your father. He is going to be so thrilled!" I take my daughter's hand and lead her to the dining  table. Her friends, confused on what to do, stand by the door until I invite them to sit. "Go get William and Markus. Tell them it is urgent." I directed to the gaurd at the door. "Yes, Queen Elizabeth." He briskly exited the room.


"Father, you can't do that. Your army will not be able to handle it." I said, this old man and his antique ways. He gives me a stern look and my hands fly up in surrender. "I'm just trying to help." I said. He has been trying to beat me at this game for years, but he still won't take my advice.

A knock echoes through the wooden door behind us. "Come in." My father says. A guard from outside pokes his head inside. "Queen Elizabeth needs to see you both. She said it is urgent." He said, his forehead was sweaty and he wore a smile. I look at my dad and shrug my shoulders. Mother never says its urgent, or send a guard from outside.

We both stand up and walk down the hall to the dining room. I stop at the door and look to my father then to the guard. I slide my hand down the wood as I push the door open. "You needed to see us mother?" I asked before I realized we had company. My mother's smile grew and she stood up, pulling someone with her. "Yes" she nodded and lead the girl to my father and me. She had fiery red hair like my mom, and hazel eyes like my dad. Her light, pale skin made her freckles prominent. Besides looking like my mother, she looked familiar, like I had know her in a past life. "It is nice to meet you." I said and took her hand in mine. She jerked away and one of the men at the table bolted up. "Braden, it's fine, he doesn't know." She whispered, and sent him back to his seat.

"William, are you going to say anything?" My mothers voice was high pitched, and you could tell she was excited about something. I look at my father and his gaze is on the woman in front of me. Recognition flashes in his eyes and she is instantly in his arms. His face turns a light red and his chin begins to shiver. Warm tears streak down his face. I look to my mother and she takes a step and hugs me as well. "What is going on? Who is she?" I say, confusion course through my veins.

Father pulls away from the woman and wipes his tears away before he says, "Markus, this is your lost sister, Chrystal Lizabeth Diamond." My heart explodes and my childhood bursts through the doors of my memories.


All of this is so much to take. Meeting my mom was hard, and my dad and brother at the same time was worse. But hearing my name, my real name, that was when I couldn't take it anymore. The hurt of the whole situation had finally hit me. It was like a train had hit my life and the only thing left was the flattened, shredded car that had been pulled aside.

Everyone's eyes are on me and the room slowly gets smaller. My breathing becomes short and my vision is blurred by the tears filling my eyes. I collapse to my knees and my hair falls over my face. The first person to me is Markus. His arm wraps around my back and he pulls me to him.

He soothes me until I stop crying. After he helps me up I notice everyone from the table is surrounding me as well. I face them all and say,"I-I'm fine, I just need time to think." I sniff,"I think it's time to go back to the hotel." Braden nodded and took my brothers place in keeping me sturdy. "Non-sense. You can all stay here." My mother smiled,"Markus, show your sister and her friends their rooms." He nodded and held the door open for us.

We walk down many empty hall ways full of windows and finally stop at a tall door. Robbie claimed it as his room and we continued to walk. Soon after we came to another door and Markus gave Braden a "go ahead" look. "I'm staying with Chrystal." He said and Markus's eyes narrowed. "Braden, I'll be fine. I just need to be alone." I looked into vibrant green eyes. Rising to my tip toes I lightly kiss him on the cheek. Markus holds out his arm for me to take. I glance back at Braden and follow my brother down more hallways.

We were both silent and everything sunk in deeper. I couldn't take the silence anymore, I would die. "So, do you remember me?" I asked and looked into his grey eyes.
"Not really." He sighed
  "Oh." I sighed too. I was hoping he would have some sort of cute childhood memories. "How old were you? When I got kidnapped?" I hesitated.  Markus's eyes widen,"You got kidnapped?" He didn't know. He doesn't remember me. "Yeah, what exactly do you remember from when you were little?"
"I remember losing someone I was close to, but I don't really remember anything before that." He said.
"Oh." I inhaled,"Well let me ask stuff you do know, I hope you do anyway." I lightly giggled. "Okay." He said.

"How old are you?"

"I'm twenty years old." He smiled. "How old are you? If I may ask"

"Sixteen."I said and watched for his reaction. His eyebrows raised and his mouth hung open. "What? No you look older." By now we have stopped again. "This is your room. I am only three doors down if you need anything just come find me." I nodded and turned the nob. My first step into the room was darkness.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Sorry for the cliff hanger😋
Please tell me what you think and I hope y'all enjoy


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