Chapter Okay {Ian's P.O.V}

Começar do início

{ Time skip so why not have a conversation for nothing? No? You want to continue reading? Okay...}

I heard my phone ringing, this was like the fifth time. I opened my eyes tiredly reaching towards my phone. I answered without looking who was calling.

I cleared my throat,"Hello?"

I heard a sigh on the other end, it sounded like a sigh of relief. "Ian, why haven't you been answering? I-I thought you were taken or killed, Jesus christ." 

 Oh, it's Joji. Right, I was supposed to text him before I fucking fell asleep, shit.

"Shit, so sorry Joji. I was going to text you but I fell asleep. I'm very sorry I worried you, are you okay? You sound... Off." I sat up, I was in care mode now. He sounded horrified and overwhelmed. 

"I'm fine, are you okay? I mean- I just want to make sure." He wasn't fine, but I went along with it, he didn't want to make it all about him. I understood that. I was apprehensive about it.

"I'm okay... Are-... Nevermind." I really wanted to know what was wrong. 

"What?" He asked.

"I'm just... Are... Are you sure you're fine? You don't sound fine- I need to know. But I do understand that you don't want to talk about it."

He was silent. 

. . . 

"How do you always know when something is wrong? Like even over the phone, just-just how? I don't understand."  So, that must mean that there is, indeed, something wrong.

"The sound of how distraught or tense or mellow your voice is. It depends on how fast or slow you talk as well, and your breathing. So right now you seem to be frightened and depressed and worried, which I can understand why you're worried and all." 

"Oh..." Joji replied. 

Then there was a long silence. 

"I'll uh- tell you about sometime... When I feel comfortable..." 

"Okay, take your time I won't rush you." 


I smiled,"You can always come to me and talk to me about anything. I will always listen to every word you say because you're important, don't forget that."

"That means a lot to me... I have a question."

I leaned back against the wall, yawning.


"Why did you decide to leave?" He asked. "I remembered that I had to do something today." I lied, I didn't want to tell him the truth about beginning to be very attached. Or that would probably be weird and suspicious. 

"Oh okay." He replied. 

Silence, again. 

"Are you still free tomorrow? I mean I did say I'd take you out to dinner like the gaywad I am..." He chuckled. 

He sounded embarrassed. "Um, I'm pretty sure I'm still free. Even if I am, I'd always try to make time to spend it with you." Yep, that's it. I'm officially gay. I confirm it. There is no denial anymore.

He laughed,"That's sweet."  I smiled. "It's gay really, but it's not as sweet as you." I said to him.

He laughed a nervous laugh,"That was cringey and cheesy." 

"I know," I said,"But anything to hear your cute laugh." 

"Dude stop, I'm going to die from the nervous tension and embarrassment." He laughed slightly. "Alright, fine. I will continue this tomorrow when I see you." I replied to him.

His True Colors | Jojian | DiscontinuedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora