Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Robin was racing down Gotham's roads as the moon was the only light that shone down on him, he was in the dangerous part of town where there was broken lights and windows, run down building and where there had to be a crime going down. As usual he was speeding, being the Boy Wonder has it's perks, one being you were never pulled over by cops or anyone for that matter. Anyway, he needed to know, the need to know was clouding his mind all day making it hard to stay inside. He had to go investigate even if it meant disobeying Batman's orders. He just needed to know-

"Grayson!" Robin heard the familiar voice of his mentor, his only family.

"Batman?" Robin said already getting ready for a good lecture and yelling that he knew all too well when he disobeyed an order.

"Return to base, NOW! You denied a direct order. That's not like you." Batman finished while Robin could hear the worry in his voice, not often did you hear that from the Caped Crusader.

"I'm sorry. It was stupid and foolish, and I apoligize. Punish me when I get back, I just need to know." Robin finished slowing down getting ready to turn around back to the bat cave.

"Know what?" Batman said probably wondering why he was even out, and why he did disobey an order.

Before Robin could give his mentor the answer, he felt a strike to the side of his head with a hard object. Making the Boy Wonder go flying off his bike onto the hard concrete road, and as he blacked out he hears the laugh of the one and only Riddler.


Robin eyes fluttered open under his black mask as he heard a train whistle loudly nearby.

He scanned the room and all he saw was blackness, until a figure walked under the little light he was under.

"Riddler", Robin said making him sound as evil as he actually is.

"Hello little birdie, nice to see you dropped in!", Edward Nigma said in his crazy toned voice that made Robin want to hurt him more.

"What do you want Nigma?" Robin said practically growling at this freak.

"Well what I want is to take over the world and kill Batman! But seeing as Batman isn't here, I guess I have to settle to killing you instead!" Riddler said loudly then burst into a laughter.

"You will never get away with that, Batman is coming, I can already feel it." Robin growled then spitting on the Riddler right in the face.

"Well you ignorrant little boy, I have a riddle for you!" Nigma said wipping his face clean. "What is loud, is on tracks, with you and alot of explosives, and will be crashing into Wayne Enterprises? Come on, it is an easy one!"

"A train." Robin said quietly thinking how Batman was going to get him out of this one, but Batman always saved him, from everybody if he needed to be saved!

"Correct!" Nigma said walking out of the light for a moment, leaving Robin struggling to get free from the very well tied knot.

Robin looked up as the Riddler was walking towards him with a big canvas bag.

"Night night birdie!" Riddler said as Robin was engulfed by the massive bag.



So I XxxRobinxxX did this one and believe that Chrishaun did a way better chapter! I cannot tell detail like he can at all! But hopefully some people like it! And the chapter isn't as long as I wanted it too be, but Chrishaun can do the buttkicking next chapter, if there is any!


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