OS #1 - Poor Pussy

Start from the beginning

"It's a party, so not boring. How about you? You're just standing in a corner not doing anything." Alex said making a spot next to Aaron.

"Perhaps. But I prefer it here than in the open. I have seen some objects being thrown around and intend on not getting hit by one of them." Aaron stated, looking around at the people.

"Well, that's something to tell John. And why not talk to Angelica or Madison. I'm sure they're here somewhere." Alex suggested.

"Angelica was starting drama, and I don't really need or want to be apart of that. And Madison is with a drunken Jefferson currently." Aaron told Alex, his eyes still wandering around the room.

Alex looked along with him, trying to figure out why Aaron was so interested in the room. What was happening?

"Oh, look. Speaking of the devil, here he comes." Aaron gestured to Jefferson walking around with Madison at his side. Madison looked slightly wasted, though who could blame him. He did hang out with Thomas on a daily basis.

"Oh my God." Alex only sighed angrily as the two had made their way to Aaron and Alex.

"Hey, Hamilton. . .~ I see you are with Burt. . .-"

"It's Burr, Jefferson." Aaron corrected him.

Jefferson only stared at Aaron with a goofy smile. "Right."

"Thomas, I think you're drunk." Madison laughed.

"I'm not drunk, look I can stand without leaning on. . ." As soon as Thomas laid an arm off of Madison he lost his balance and quickly landed back on Madison.

"Yup you're drunk. . ." Madison slurred.

"God you are both drunk. Hopefully you do something stupid tonight so I can get on your asses about it!" Alex smirked.

"The stupidest thing I can do is fuck you in the ass. . .~" Thomas slurred. Alex then shot a glare of shock.

"What!?" Alex screamed, though trying to be quiet as well so no one heard. Aaron only slightly snickered at Thomas' words, Madison doing the same.

"Wait, hold on. . . That did sound wrong, damnit. . . Can I retry that?" Thomas muttered. Alex stared at him, Thomas was so drunk that he couldn't even think properly. It was like he flashed back to first grade.

"Okay, fuck this I'm going to go find John." Alex shook his head for a moment. Aaron shrugged.

"Wait, don't leave sugar. . .~ Just give me a- hic- chance. . ." Thomas whined. Madison rolled his eyes, still supporting Thomas in standing.

Alex left the three to just find John. He wasn't going to bother looking for the Schuyler sisters knowing they could be busy. Though he should have asked about Peggy, she was cool. Sometimes he thought she was to cool for him.

Alex walked into the kitchen to where Laf and John were setting up chairs in a circle all facing inwards.

Alex walked over to them and stared at the chairs.

"Is this musical chairs or something?" Alex asked.

"Nope, a little more exciting than musical chairs." Laf smiled, scooting the last chair into place.

"What type of game needs chairs in a circle?" Alex asked.

"Do you remember, 'Poor Pussy'?" John asked Alex quickly. Alex winced at the mention of it.

"God, the memories." Alex had mentally cringed at the game he would play at recess with other old friends. Thinking how the game seemed to sexual for kids.

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