OS #1 - Poor Pussy

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(A/N I remember my parents telling me that they use to play this as kids. So why not do a oneshot on it? And I swear the name of the game kills me every time)

"Holy shit." Alex stared at Herc who was currently chugging down a bottle of Jack Daniels. People crowded around shouting, 'chug, chug, chug!' It didn't surprise him that Hercules would do this though. Herc does have a reputation in the office to do the stupidest things just for fun. Though, Alex knew the outcome for Herc would be an extremely painful one, and that Herc may pass out here in John's place where the party was being held. They had a rule, whoever threw the party was in charge of it. It was only fair because the mess for the party's aftermath.

Finally, after a good minute Hercules had raised the bottle in the air. And of course it was empty. John even checked it, giving a thumbs up that Herc had completed his goal.

The crowd cheered loudly, but died down after a few seconds of getting hyped. After that, Alex went to check on Herc seeing he did drink that whole bottle and could be twice as wasted.

"Hey, Herc. Are you okay?" Alex walked to him chuckling. Herc leaned on Laf and John for support, who were now at his side holding him.

"E-everything is kind of blur actually. . . But I think I'm fine. . ." Herc chuckled. His legs seemed to have suddenly gave in from the weight and almost dropped. Though Laf and John held him up.

John put Herc's arm around his shoulder propping him up. Laf doing the same.

"I think Herc is going to have one hell of a day tomorrow." John commented, looking at the half-conscious drunk.

"This is his third time doing this, and my amour still has not learned his lesson." Laf chuckled, holding Herc's limp left-hand.

"Well, what are we doing next? We have already done a dance off, karaoke, bon-fire and watched Herc chug a drink. What's next?" Alex asked John.

"A little throwback game to when we were kids. Trust me, it will be fun." John winked.

"Oh God, can't wait." Alex groaned. He knew what it was like when John and Laf would work together. They actually have very clever ideas when they combine brains. And when it came to parties, they could throw a party that could last for a week without stopping because they would be prepped for it. With John's cool attitude and Laf's flirtatious and fabulous personality, there is no coming up with what the plans are. And to them everyone was like puppets ready to be toyed with.

"Mon ami, don't worry. We'll just put Herc in the bathtub and be out with a new game. Just go mingle and wait for us." Laf had said, then they turned away to go drop Herc in the bathtub.

Alex was left to himself, but he could find someone to talk to while he waited for the next game. Maybe one of the Schuyler sisters were willing to talk?

He went to search for at least one of them, and found Eliza. But he saw she was already getting it on with another girl, cough Maria cough. Alex only shrugged and see if the other two were around.

Though, Aaron caught his eye who was watching everyone like a hawk from his spot in the corner. Alex always wondered what was on that man's mind, he has fought and argued with him before but has never seem to get anything out of him. All Aaron did was state his opinions and facts. And he would politely listen to who was debating with him, nod, and then sit down with no word! Alex could never understand him even with a sober mind.

"Hey, Aaron." Alex called, heading into Aaron's direction. Aaron looked at him for a moment and quickly returned the greeting.

"Oh, hey Alexander. How has it been for you?" Aaron asked, standing straight. Alex did notice he would fix his posture when someone spoke to him.

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