Chapter 3: White

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 “Rise, Rose and shine!”

The Doctor comes dashing in her room, early morning, Earth time.

“Nope,” popping the p, he adds: “That was not completely accurate. Anyway, time for new adventures, so come on, wake up! The most relaxing planet awaits.”

No response. Not vocal in any case.

“Now Rose, don't scuff your head under your pillow, I know you can hear me underneath there too.”

“How? Have you been testing?”

Rose's muffled voice sounds groggy, but she doesn't move.

“Don't make me come pull you out now.”

Mostly that threat is a good enough one to make Rose climb out from under the warm place that is her queen size bed. This time however, she decides to take him up on it.

“I dare you.”

It takes all but two seconds before Rose hears two swift footsteps and then her duvet is pulled away.

Rose squeaks from under her pillow and tries not to burst out laughing. Next thing she knows, the Doctor's hands are tugging at her pillow, but she holds on for dear life, thankful for the foresight of making a braid in her hair last night.

She feels the bed bend a little from the weight of what is probably a pinstriped knee seeking support. Her heartbeat accelerates exponentially, her breathing quickens and then stops altogether when his movement suddenly stills. Tension is tangible in the air, butterflies seek to win the ultimate race in her stomach and then she is pulled of the bed in one fleeting jolt.

Her face still tucked in the pillow, Rose can't stop her whooping giggles when the Doctor, instead of putting her down besides the bed, carries her through the room to what she thinks is the bathroom.

The trip is short, oh why can't her room be a little bigger. She greatly admits, even with her pillow on her face, this is a pretty snug place to be. Might even become one of her favourites.

“What’reyou doing?” She manages to breathe out before she is inevitably put back on her feet.

Cold tiles are below her and before she realizes his intention, freezing cold water bursts free from above.

This time her scream is heard probably even outside the TARDIS.


By the time Rose enters the console room, she thinks the Doctor might be afraid of retaliation, judging by the hammer he has in his hand and the way he hides on the far side of the console itself.

Rose, however, smiles sweetly, having already decided that getting even will need some planning.

The Doctor swallows hard and not just because he recognizes her calculating glance.

“Is this al right?” Rose gestures down innocently, “you did say it was a summer planet right?”

The lump in his throat will probably not be dissipating any time soon.

Beginning at her feet, his gaze travels over the small white sneakers; instead of laces, there is a thin strap of glossy leather-like material. Next his eyes dart up her bare legs, probably lingering a little too long there. He quickly proceeds to the hem of the dress just above her knees.

Did she bring that dress from home? He’s never seen it before; maybe he should thank the TARDIS later on.

It’s made of linen, simple white, loosely hugging her curves in all the right places, not see through... would have been nice if he had Superman's abilities... better not go there.

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