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-Kenny's POV-

It had been two years, nothing had changed. Of course, we had a couple of near-death encounters, but we hadn't been taken away from here. We were forgotten and left to the horde to fend for ourselves. We expanded, claiming more of our island as safe territory, hoping to light up the entire island, freeing us from mobs. That has yet to happen. We lived in fear when leaving the stone wall to go for minerals, anyone could easily die.. everyone was terrified of that.

The purgatory I was stuck in was cold, dark, relentless, and diminishing. It made me feel like giving up, and I was close to giving up on every coming back.. then I heard Choco's sobs, his broken cries. And then, I knew who I had to live for. I fought against the looming force, and won. I respawned and gained my surroundings, hearing Choco talking with Jerome and Mitch. And you know the rest of the story.

Word Count-164

This was fun, something different. It was a hilarious, fun experience working with other people.
Also, if I have time who would want me to finish this, like have it all end?
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, and Bai!

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