Loop Twelve: A God's Children

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"Quentin, I have to save those kids. From the Plover household." Alice stated as she entered the sitting room in the Physical Kids' Cottage.

Quentin turned to look at her and replied "Wa-wait, Vix, are you crazy?"

"We have not come up with a plan to kill The Beast. We don't even have a plan in the slightest!" Her words were angry, but her expression was painted with fear.

"That, uh, that's not true, we have the button! We can get to Fillory." Quentin tried to argue with her.

"Yeah, and what then? We go in there, with our thumbs up our asses and what do you expect? The Beast will slaughter us with no second thoughts!" Alice began to yell at him.

She sighed and sat down next to Quentin and began to explain "I found a spell, one that can allow us to go back in time. But..." She trailed off, leaving Quentin in suspense.

"But?" Quentin asked her in an annoyed tone.

"I'm not strong enough to cast it alone. I need at least four other people in order for the spell not only to work, but for only a single person to go through." She finished, sounding almost disappointed.

"It makes sense, you would technically be ripping apart the fabric of time and space." Quentin recited, staring at the floor.

"Alright, I'm fine with bearing that burden. We should go fetch the crew, I believe that you five could generate enough power to continue to hold open the doorway long enough so I can go in."

Quentin quickly developed a concerned look on his face, and opened his mouth to protest but Alice cut him off "Look, I've already made up my mind, and I know you care for me, but I need to do this."

He sighed, in defeat and sadness. He lifted his hand up to her cheek and rubbed it with his thumb in a circular motion, "I just want you to be safe, Vix."

"I know." She replied, looking at her hands that were neatly folded in her lap.


Alice gathered Margo and Eliot, and Quentin fetched Julia and Penny. The six of them gathered in a wooded area secluded away from the campus. It was the dead of night, silent except for the trickling of a stream and the rustling of the trees when the wind blew through them.

Alice explained the spell as well and as fast as she could. Half of the group didn't understand what she said, but went along with it anyways.

"So you want us to open a doorway to the past, save some kids, go to Fillory, leave them there, travel back to the present, and have us meet you there?" Eliot asked.

"Basically. I have all the materials all I need is your cooperation." Alice stated, looking at the rest of them.

In the dead of night, the group of six chanted together and moved their hands in fluid unison. Alice had placed a tall candle in the center of their circle, with stones covered in oil encircling it with a watch just beside the candle. Alice never was so kind to reveal where or how she got her materials for literally any spell in history.

The group kept chanting, until they reached the last step of the spell. As they reached that point, Alice stepped forward and the other five held hands to make a joined circle around Alice and the candle. The candle flame grew, taller and taller until it created some kind of pathway, almost like an arch that if crossed, would lead to the time (hopefully) when Beatrix and George were still alive. Alice stepped forward, retrieved the watch and stood in front of the fiery arch that burned brightly before her. She looked over at Quentin sadly as she stepped through the arch, knowing she may never see him again. 

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