Dear Universe,

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Dear Universe and Every One Reading This,

There are over 6 billion people in the world, and I trust fewer people than I have fingers. Having trust issues sure does sound like a beautiful way to start off this letter. But I know I can't be the only one in the world that has all sorts of issues. Trust issues, anger issues, dyslexia things like that. Things that make life harder than it already is. People say I complain too much, but at least I don't complain as much as other people. I know when to stop, I know when everyone want's me to stop.

An example of one of these issues--anger--is today in my math class, I asked my teacher to come over and make sure I was doing everything right, since I was still unsure. I knew the formula and I knew what to plug in where but I was confused if I actually solved it right. When she came over she repeated the formula and when I showed her I knew that much, she just kept repeating. And one of my largest pet peeves is repetition. After so long I'm sure we all get it by now. And those who still don't understand, you can pull them aside or after class or school and explain it more and more until they do get it. I got so angry I almost flipped my desk over and screamed in frustration. So instead I just smiled and said, "Never mind." And she laughed and walked away.

My top three pet peeves are: Name calling, interrupting and repeating.

I hate name calling so flipping much because my sister always calls me "brat" and its the most annoying thing in the world. Like, can't you come up with a better insult? Why brat? Why not just straight up call me a beyotch? It stings really. Especially coming from her. Like, what am I doing? You're the one who got rude and snappy with me first. I am literally doing nothing why you gotta be rude? It actually makes me want to cry but I can't. I hate it so much. Words sting more than sticks and stones. Or at least for me they do.

I hate to be interrupted to much. Like, I am obviously saying something, and even if it doesn't interest you in any way, please let me finish. Like then I know you have manners. And its not just me who has to be interrupted in order for me to get ticked. Like, I have a friend who tries to talk to me every time the teacher it teaching or explaining what we're doing and I try asking her to hold that thought, but her pet peeve is being shushed. Then she ends up asking me what we're doing, because she wasn't paying attention the first time, which, in my opinion is quiet rude of her. This teacher didn't become a teacher just so you could be rude and not listen to what she's trying to teach you. She/He spent years to get that certificate that said they knew what they were talking about when they tell other people what to do and what things are.

My third biggest pet peeve: repetition. I can't stand it when someone says the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over again. See? See how annoying that was? I hate it, like I heard you the first time, and you don't need to repeat yourself unless I tell you I didn't hear you. Like, I know that you think you're adding emphasis or dramatization to your speech or story, but I want to hear the rest of your speech or story, I want to know the end!

It's crazy hard to contain everything I am. The real me has been hiding deep inside of this shell I have been building for years.

The real me is a sucker for romantic movies, and want's to be an anime nerd, or a weeaboo [someone who watches too much anime to put it shortly]. She want's to have a couple of amazing best friends that she's crazy and outgoing and loud with. She's incredibly nice and funny and super smart and really pretty cause she wears cute outfits that includes dresses sometimes and knows how to do her makeup. She's not afraid of anything, like humiliation or judgment or staring. She's carefree and witty and has straight A's and hangs out with her friends all the time, and has a pretty cool job and makes enough money to help her friends out and actually buy and eat lunch for once. She's skinny and sexy and every now and then a guy isn't afraid to talk to her and she's not afraid to flirt a little. She's affectionate with everyone and shows how much she cares for everyone, even her family. She even has a great relationship with her family.

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