Chapter 2: Gay Boy

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  Years later..

   Have you ever fell for someone? Like- you just can't stop thinking about them and every time your gaze falls on their perfect figure your heart flutters?
I fell for someone. Hard.
I've had a crush on this person ever since Elementary school. His name was Tord.
I was doodling him in my sketch book during world geography, I sighed in a daze.
A paper ball was thrown at the back of my head followed by snickering. I sighed out of irritability and rolled the paper out of its round shape. On the inside was- I assumed since the dipshits that drew it are terrible at drawing- me. Sucking what I think was a dick.
I crumbled the paper back into a ball and stood up. The skirt I wore was at mid thigh- which made more snickering. I tossed the paper ball into the trash can and went back to my seat.
More paper balls were thrown at me but I was sidetracked with my drawing of my crush.
I did not pay attention to a word my teacher said. The only thing that was going through my mind were Tord's warm grey eyes.
Before I knew it class had ended and everyone was departing; going their separate ways. I slipped on my back pack and held my sketchbook close to my heart.
I walked out of class and I met up with my two best friends. Matt was on my left while Tom was on my right. The three of us walked down the hall.
  "Gah- I hate Algebra. My teacher took up my mirror when I was just in the middle of complimenting my good looks!" Matt whined.
Tom rolled his eyes, "It's the 8th one this week- how many mirrors do you own?"
Matt opened his mouth to respond but Tom quickly cut him off, "It was a rhetorical question."
I laughed softly, "Matt you are so full of yourself."
Matt looked over at me, "So- any success in convincing your mom about you coming to my party on Saturday?"
I shook my head, "Nope. Maybe when she's sober.."
Tom crossed his arms over his chest, "You're Mom is a bitch. I know I don't have a PhD or some shit like that- but I think she might be bipolar."
  I bit the inside of my cheek and shrugged my shoulders as I was nearing my destination.
"Anyways- I have to go. See you!" I waved good bye to both Tom and Matt and walked into my Biology class.
I sat down at my desk and gazed over to find.
I could have sworn my face was as red as a tomato.
Tord was wearing his usual red hoodie, he had that playful smirk on his lips.
God that man was enchanting.
And don't get me started on that Norwegian accent. It was heavy and his voice was deep and rich. He then turned to look at me and waved, "Hey, Edd."
  Holy Fuck. I squeaked out, "Hi.."
Tord flashed me a smile and turned back around and continued to talk to his friends Patryk and Paul.
   I gripped at my green sweater, I wanted to just let that little interaction to sink in but it was quickly crushed into small pieces when Eduardo roughly walked past me. I was shoved over, hitting my elbow on the edge of my desk. I turned my head to glare at him. He only laughed.
  "What's wrong, gay boy?" He snickered, "Did I hurt you? Do you want me to call your mom so she can kiss it all better?"
Mark walked in and sat at a desk near Eduardo followed by Jon.
I looked away, I don't even know why I cared about what they had to say. I heard the same crap every single day in almost every single class.
  "Did your mom pick out your clothes? Are you her little gay boy Barbie doll?" Mark snorted.
Jon mumbled, "I thought Edd said his mom does pick out his clothes-" Eduardo smacked Jon on the back of the head, "Shut it."
Patryk glanced over and gestured at Tord to look over. Tord turned over to Eduardo and his friends, "Listen up dipshit- Stop teasing Edd. Ok? The only insults you could possibly give is your breath. Now please. Shut up."
Eduardo scowled, "Oh you little-"
The bell rang and the teacher announced that everyone needs to get out their science notes from yesterday.
I turned my head to Tord, smiling at him as a sign of appreciation for standing up for me. He gave me a curt nod back.
God has blessed me with a Norwegian angel.

Caught Red-Handed (TordEdd/TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now