"Thanks. I'll go get one." I assure him. He nods as if he's satisfied with my answer, then MJ tells me they have things to do so they all pile into her apartment and I head back to mine to get a jacket.

CC is a strange girl.

"I thought so too, but only because she never spoke. What's your reason?" I open my apartment door and head inside, going straight to my room.

She was here during the particle accelerator explosion.

"She's a meta?"

We believe so, yes.

"What can she do?"

We do not know. We can only sense that she is different to MJ and Roy.

"I'll keep an eye on her if I can." Wolfgang hops off my lap as I stand up and grab a jacket from a high shelf in my wardrobe. My leg hurts, which is strange because it normally doesn't.

It is not your powers causing this.

I frown at Robin, then sit back down, becoming paralysed once again as I roll up the fabric around my sore leg. The bandage covering my knife wound is a gross green-brown colour. It's been fine for the past week, so I thought it was basically healed. I guess not.

We did not think training would do this.

"You mean this is because I've been walking around?" Robin nods again. "I need to get this bandage off." Slowly, I pull away the sticky stuff around the wound, glad that I can't feel it.

I gasp and almost gag at what's underneath the bandage. The wound has become a bleeding, weeping, oozing mess, the skin around it looking angrier than ever in it's bright red colouring.

You look pale. Call someone.

My hands shake as I pull out my phone, dialing Cisco's number since he's probably with Caitlin and I don't have her number yet. My eyes focus on the grossness of my leg as I wait for Cisco to answer.

And thank god he does.

"Hey Cara, what's up?" He sounds like he's been laughing.

"Cisco, you know my knife wound and how it was getting better?" I barely pause before continuing, rushing out words as I start to panic. "It's gotten infected or something and I don't know what to do. I can't feel it but it's gross and I don't want it to get any worse and--"

"Cara, calm down. I'm out of town at the moment but I'll send Barry over and he can take you to Caitlin, okay? I'll do it now. Bye!" He hangs up before I can reply, and despite his effort to calm me down, I know he was beginning to freak out too. Which only makes me panic more.

I'm about to wheel myself out to the living room when I hear the front door open. Assuming it's Barry, I keep moving out of my room. But I stop just short of entering the living room; I can hear Ben's voice.


What if Barry zooms in here while Ben's around? What if Ben sees my leg and gets all overprotective again? What if--

"Yeah, Levi, I know. But moving to Gotham is the best thing for me right now. Whenever I look at her, it just reminds me of them. Sure, I'll be living in a house that was going to be theirs, but at least I'll be in a completely different city and I won't see traces of them everywhere I go." Ben's voice is quiet and quick. He's moving to Gotham? "Yeah, I'll tell her eventually, just not now. Look, I gotta go. See ya." I hear the front door open and shut again.

Reality Check   : :   Barry Allen  (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now