The Outback Trip

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My dad and I are going to the outback for a day, so that we can get away from the city. We’ve had some car troubles though. I’ve seen horses, running around freely on the grass. I wonder how good it feels to be free, not one person to tell you what to do. I love the outback, the sky is clear and the grass is healthy and bright. 

Back in the city it’s the exact opposite. The sky is covered with smoke that comes from the buildings. The grass is barely there, you can see dirt patches. In your mind you can see the major differences. So sometimes my dad and I go to the outback, so that we are not imprisoned by the city. The car has been making some weird noises, and sometimes the car thuds to a stop. My dad looks like he’s worried. I haven’t spotted a kangaroo yet but I hope I do. I rarely see any cars go by, along the bumpy road. Sometimes, small rocks go up and hit the car. It makes me wonder how long, they’ve been there. Each time a rock hits the car I estimate how long it’s been there by its size and colour. The drive gets a little boring, but with my book called The Big Book of Girls Stuff, I keep myself occupied.

The hours go by and even my book won’t keep me occupied. My dad must see how bored I am, because he stops on the side of the road to take a break. I get out of the car, stretching my aching muscles. I sit on the ground, relief flooding into me that I’m not sitting in the boiling car. I grab the water from inside the car, and tip it into one of the plastic cups that my dad had put in the car. I lift the cup up to my face, and I can feel the heat radiating from the water. I drink the warm water anyway, keeping me hydrated is very important. I wonder where we will put up camp. I ask my dad and answered, while he was looking around us, that he wasn’t sure. The sun is scorching, and it feels like the ground is boiling.

I stand up and walk over to one of the trees and sit down, while flies buzzed around me, I look at the grass. The grass is all dried up and yellow. We’ve gone past the beautiful bit of the country, into the more… how would you say it? Boiling?, or maybe boring.  When the sun is near setting, my dad and I decide to pack up, we get in the car, and the worst thing possible happens. The car won’t start! We stay there for a few hours, the panic rising in both of us. An old ute, the colour of vanilla, which is not brand new, parks behind us. The man gets out, followed closely by a boy who looks like he’s been thrown around in mud. My dad steps out of the car and talks to the man, which is out of my hearing range.

Finally they stop and my dad opens the car door and said that we’ll be going with them. So I help gather stuff up. When we’re finished the man directs me to where i will be sitting, in the back, with the boy covered in mud. I get up with my stuff. I dump it on the floor and sit, away from the boy who seriously needs to get that mud off him. He looks at my face, and sees how disgusted I am, he look at himself and finally realises that he’s covered in mud. I open my book and flick through the pages, not reading, or gathering any type of information.

I grip the side of the car, because the roads seem to get bumpier and bumpier as the drive goes on. I don’t bother trying to estimate how long the rocks have been there, because I’m busy trying to shield myself from them. The sky gets darker; this isn’t the trip that I had imagined it to be. Right now my dad and I would be setting up camp, trying to find the food we packed amongst our sleeping bags. Up ahead I see lights coming from a small ranch thing. The lights were on and in the stables I spotted horses and other animals in their pens

. There was a green gate, which was closed, the mud boy jumped out of the back while the car was slowing to a stop in front of the gate. He opened the gate and motioned for the car to move forward, he stepped aside and let the car drive through. The car kept driving along a dirt driveway, finally the car spluttered to a stop.

The man looks really tanned with jet black hair and bright blue eyes that captured your sight whenever you looked at him.  His looks slightly wrinkled with deep worry lines on his forehead. The man and my dad seemed to get on really well by their body language and what they say to each other, it seems like they’ve been friends for years maybe even family. Well I’m glad my dad has made a friend. Mud boy has well and truly disappeared, probably to take a shower, hopefully next time I see him he won’t be covered in mud. I decide to clamber out of the dusty old ute and wait till my dad notices me. The man notices me and laughs, The man helps dad get all our stuff, I help too of course.

“Hey, I’m Jeffrey. Call me Jeff for short.” The man spoke to me.

“Oh, Hi... I’m Elsa” I said. I hope I didn’t sound like a crazy weirdo.

“Unusual name, I like it” Jeff grinned showing me pearly white teeth.

“Thanks” I reply.

We all stumble toward the ranch type thing, it was really big, I dragged my suitcase behind me, huffing and puffing the whole way. The night air was starting to get cold and the red sand was slithering into my converse shoes and I have to tell you, it did not feel good. Mud boy appeared again, he grabbed my suitcase and hauled it up the stairs so quickly I started to laugh.

“what is he doing?” I asked out loud. Laughing.

Jeff smiled “Hey he’s takin your stuff to the guest room. You might want to follow him if you don’t want to get lost”

“Ok” I hurried after him.

“Oi, mud boy where are you?”

“That your nickname for me?” The boy reappeared, this time with no mud on him oh what a miracle. He was grinning and shaking his wet jet black hair as if he was a dog.

“Well I don’t know your name do I?” I reply.

“Well, It’s James. Now that you know mine why don’t you tell me yours?”

“I’m Elsa. I know strange name.”

“It’s not that strange, its actually quite nice”

“Thanks. I’m just wondering, where did you put my stuff?”

“Oh, I’ll show you.”

He suddenly slipped off down the hallway. I hurried after him.

“Found you” I say my chest heaving up and down.

“Looks like you do quite a bit of running, eh?”

“Well I wouldn’t if you weren’t like a slinky. Always going way too fast before you can stop it”

“Ok… It’s strange how you like to compare me to a slinky”

“Ok that wasn’t the point. The point was, was that you were going way too fast for me”

“Sorry, I gotta go. Get settled in”


In a flash he was gone. He’s pretty strange. Wow my temporary bedroom is small but warm and cosy. The soft carpet is the colour of aqua. The walls are a creamy white and the big window frame is a colour of light blue. The bed looks just like a normal bed only it doesn’t have a pillow, pillowcase or a doona on it but I hauled my sleeping bag onto the bed and I just sat there, caught up in my own thoughts. I get up from my bed, walked over to the bedroom door (The colour was a beautiful dark brown, polished til it shone) and closed it. On the back of the door was a painting of a pond and flowers and a bright blue sky. Bright colourful fairies flew all around lighting up the surrounding trees.


Thanks for reading. Comment and vote if u like.  Sorry I just put in random catagories.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jan 29, 2014 ⏰

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